Found 289 results
P. Loui, Guenther, F. H., Mathys, C., and Schlaug, G., Action-Perception Mismatch in Tone-Deafness, Current Biology, 2008.
A. Freed, Application of new Fiber and Malleable Materials for Agile Development of Augmented Instruments and Controllers, in NIME 2008, 2008.
A. Freed, Schmeder, A., and Zotter, F., Applications of Environmental Sensing for Spherical Loudspeaker Arrays, in IASTED Signal and Image Processing, Hawaii, 2008.
R. Andrews and Schmeder, A., CNMAT Studio Report 2008, 2008.
F. Zotter, Schmeder, A., and Noisternig, M., Crosstalk Cancellation for Spherical Loudspeaker Arrays, in DAGA08, Dresden, 2008.
M. Zbyszynski, An Elementary Method for Tablet, in New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Genova, Italy, 2008.
M. Goodheart, for bass - tuning instructions. 2008.
A. Schmeder and Freed, A., Implementation and Applications of Open Sound Control Timestamps, in ICMC, Belfast, Ireland, 2008, pp. 655-658.
E. Battenberg, Improvements to percussive component extraction using non-negative matrix factorization and support vector machines, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 2008.
R. Schwenke, Zotter, F., Schmeder, A., and Wessel, D., Room Acoustics Measurements with an Approximately Spherical Source of 120 Drivers, in ASA-EAA Joint Conference, Paris, FR, 2008.
D. Wessel, Morrison, A., and Rossing, T. D., Sound of the Hang, in Acoustics 08, Paris, France, 2008.
R. Andrews, Studio Report: UC Berkeley Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT), in 2008 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC2008), Belfast, Ireland, 2008.
A. Schmeder and Freed, A., uOSC: The Open Sound Control Reference Platform for Embedded Devices, in NIME, Genova, Italy, 2008.
A. Schmeder, Wright, M., Freed, A., Campion, E., and Wessel, D., CNMAT Information Infrastructure, in International Computer Music Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007, vol. 1, pp. 325-328.
M. Zbyszynski, Wright, M., and Campion, E., Design and Implementation of CNMAT's Pedagogical Software, in International Computer Music Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 57-60.
D. Wessel, Avizienis, R., Freed, A., and Wright, M., A force sensitive multi-touch array supporting multiple 2-D musical control structures, in Proceedings of the 7th international Conference on New interfaces For Musical Expression, New York, NY, 2007, pp. 41-45.
D. Wessel, Avizienis, R., Freed, A., and Wright, M., A Force Sensitive Multi-touch Array Supporting Multiple 2-D Musical Control Structures, in New Interfaces for Musical Expression, New York, 2007, pp. 41-45.
P. Loui and Wessel, D., Harmonic Expectation and Affect in Western Music: Effects of Attention and Training, Perception & Psychophysics, vol. 69, pp. 1084-1092, 2007.
