Found 289 results
A. Chaudhary, Automated Testing of Open-Source Music Software with Open Sound World and Open Sound Control , 2005.
R. Morales-Mazanares, Morales, E. F., and Wessel, D., Combining Audio And Gestures For A Real-Time Improviser, in International Computer Music Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2005, pp. 813-816.
M. F. Zbyszynski and Freed, A., Control of VST Plug-ins Using OSC, in International Computer Music Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2005, pp. 263-266.
P. Loui and Wessel, D., Harmonic Expectation, Selective Attention, and Affect in Music, in Neuroscience and Music Conference, Leipzig, Germany, 2005.
P. Kassakian, Magnitude Least--Squares Fitting via Semidefinite Programming with Applications to Beamforming and Multidimensional Filter Design, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2005.
B. K. Vogel, Jordan, M. I., and Wessel, D., Multi-Instrument Musical Transcription Using Dynamic Graphical Model, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2005, pp. 493-496.
M. Wright, Open Sound Control: an enabling technology for musical networking, Organised Sound, vol. 10, pp. 193-200, 2005.
M. Wright and III, J. O. Smith, Open-Source Matlab Tools for Interpolation of SDIF Sinusoidal Synthesis Parameters, in International Computer Music Conference, Barcelona, 2005, pp. 632-635.
P. Kassakian and Wessel, D., Optimal Positioning in Low-dimensional Control Spaces using Convex Optimization, in International Computer Music Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2005, pp. 379-382.
H. Ho, Structuring timbre in an octatonic context: the music of Bohuslav Martinu, in Music Theory Southeast, Miami, FL, 2005.
H. Ho, Structuring timbre in an octatonic context: the music of Bohuslav Martinu, in Music Theory Society of New York State, New York, NY, 2005.
J. MacCallum, Hunt, J., and Einbond, A., Timbre as a Psychoacoustic Parameter for Harmonic Analysis and Composition, in International Computer Music Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2005, pp. 825-828.
M. Wright, Cassidy, R. J., and Zbyszynski, M. F., Audio and Gesture Latency Measurements on Linux and OSX, in International Computer Music Conference, Miami, FL, 2004, pp. 423-429.
M. Wright, Brief overview of OSC and its application areas, in OpenSoundControl Conference, Berkeley, CA, 2004.
P. Kassakian and Wessel, D., Characterization of Spherical Loudspeaker Arrays, in 117th Audio Engineering Society Convention, San Francisco, CA, 2004, p. Convention paper #1430.
K. Makan and Campion, E., An Interview with Edmund Campion, Computer Music Journal, vol. 28, 2004.
A. W. Schmeder, Mapping Spectral Frames to Pitch with the Support Vector Machine, in International Computer Music Conference, Miami, FL, 2004, pp. 664-667.
D. Wessel, Max/MSP Programming Practice with OSC, in Open Sound Control Conference, Berkeley, CA, 2004.
D. Wessel, Loui, P., Jacobs, B., and Avizienis, R., Music Perception and Cognition Experiments in a Classroom Setting: Temporally Precise Hardware and Software., in 8th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Evanston, Illinois, 2004, p. 642.
R. Avizienis and Freed, A., OSC and Gesture features of CNMAT's Connectivity Processor, in Open Sound Control Conference, Berkeley, CA, 2004.
A. Freed and Zbyszynski, M. F., OSC Control of VST Plug-ins, in Open Sound Control Conference, Berkeley, CA, 2004.
M. Wright, Dannenberg, R., Pope, S., Rodet, X., Serra, X., and Wessel, D., Panel: Standards from the Computer Music Community, in International Computer Music Conference, Miami, FL, 2004, pp. 711-714.
A. W. Schmeder and Wright, M., A Query System for Open Sound Control, in OpenSoundControl Conference, Berkeley, CA, 2004.
A. Freed, Towards a More Effective OSC Time Tag Scheme, in Open Sound Control Conference, Berkeley, CA, 2004.
A. Momeni and Wessel, D., Characterizing and Controlling Musical Material Intuitively with Geometric Models, in Proceedings of the 2003 Conference on New interfaces for Musical Expression, Montreal, Canada, 2003, pp. 54-62.
