#What is a node ID?

A node ID or node number is a number automatically assigned to website content when it is created. These numbers can be used to reference a specific node from another node, as in the Music and Inter-Arts Project node type. You might also see these numbers printed on many things at CNMAT; this is for the purpose of inventory and identification. If you come across one of these numbers, you can quickly figure out what that item is by searching it on the CNMAT website.

#Search by node number

There are a couple of ways to search by node number. The simplest way is go to the CNMAT Resource Library where you can find any of the resource nodes by typing in the node number. Another way is to type the node ID straight into your browsers URL field. Go to "cnmat.berkeley.edu/node/[enter your node ID here]".


#Find the node ID of existing content

You can get the node ID of any node on the CNMAT site. First, navigate to that node's page, if the node ID appears in the URL field, then you're done. If it does not, and if you have "content editor" privileges, then you can click "edit" at the top of the page and you will see the node number in the URL field usually in the form "cnmat.berkeley.edu/node/[node ID]/edit".

