CNMAT Flashback

A look back at some items in our archives.

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Night Edge I

Photos from Night Edge: 1. Aurora Josephson in organ loft; 2. Dancer paige starling sorvillo with Aurora Josephson; 3. final scene, left to right: Aurora Josephson, Myra Melford at the piano, paige starling sorvillo on the floor.


fabric touchpad

Fabric Touchpad, built by Matthew Goodheart, on the design by Andy Schmeder and Adrian Freed.


Embryo: An Acoustic Drawing

This is an acoustic speaker using copper foil "circuitry" adhered to a paper surface (12" x 16"). The piece, titled Embryo, represents a few important aspects of my current paper speaker research.


Audio Speaker Earrings

This paper speaker technology can also be applied to more practical uses. Here we see Kari sporting a pair of paper speaker earrings which I designed. Again, there is copper foil adhered to paper. Magnets are attached nonpermanently through attraction on both sides. The earrings come with detachable cable which can be plugged in as desired.


Topologies for Paper Speakers

This figure shows the three basic topologies of circuit design for paper speakers which I have explored. All three designs can generate a magnetic field capable of driving audio.


computer keyboard Audio Speaker

One way to quickly and easily make an flat audio speaker is to re-appropriate already printed electronics. This is a speaker which uses the innards of a computer keyboard. A small grid-like layer of silver ink has been applied to a thin plastic surface, which is used to read keystrokes.


Large Multi-Hexagram Speaker

The same parallel/serial structure used to produce the smaller hexagram speaker at the top of this page can also be multiplied to make larger speakers. The more hexagram parallel structures (with magnets attached), the greater the potential volume output. This sheet (12" x 17" approx) is enough to drive a very robust signal.
