A look back at some items in our archives.
This paper describes situations which lend themselves to the use of numerous cameras and techniques for displaying many camera streams simultaneously. The focus here is on the role of the director in sorting out the onscreen content in an artistic and understandable manner. We describe techniques which we have employed in a system designed for capturing and displaying many video feeds incorporating automated and high level control of the composition on the screen.
The Stylophone electronic musical instrument, made briefly famous by David Bowie and Rolf Harris in the 1970's, has made a recent comeback. The musical toy industry evaluates its products according to MTTC, the Mean Time to Closet, and also by how many battery changes before the product is put aside - presumably until the generation finds it "anew". The carbon footprint and negative environmental impact of such short-lived products is shocking.
Adrian Freed
We present here flat flexible audio speaker surface arrays, which are transparent, formed to various environments, and allow for user interaction. These speaker arrays provide an alternative to traditional models of sound reproduction, which often involve discreet point source systems and bulky hardware passively received by the user. The surface array system opens up new possibilities for acoustic spaces, creativity, and sound interactivity
Author Keywords
Paper Speakers; Flexible Audio Array; Interactive Electronics
ACM Classification Keywords