
Only users with certain access privileges are able to edit the taxonomy. Be sure to think carefully about if the new term is really necessary. The website taxonomy is already large, and too many terms can lead to misclassification and confusion.

The complete website taxonomy is located here.


New terms should be added only if that term or idea is not already in the website taxonomy. We are trying to avoid redundancy in the tagging system, so add terms sparingly.

First make sure that the term does not exist already. Familiarize yourself with all the terms in the website taxonomy so that you know in which vocabulary set the new term should go. Be sure to look at the Vocabulary definition which will tell you what kinds of terms belong in that vocabulary set. Also take a look at the definition of any terms that might be close to the term you want to add.

Sometimes a term or idea can be expressed with a combination of tags. For example if you want to tag a node with the term "Conference Papers written by Vijay Iyer", you could instead tag it with the "Conference Paper" term and the "Vijay Iyer" term. The same idea is conveyed, but we avoid creating a new term.

Try to avoid terms that are too specific and only classify one or two nodes. But make terms specific enough that it can't be applied to almost all the nodes on the website, like "Related to Music".

#Adding a term

Once you have found which vocabulary set, and where in the hierarchy a new term should go, select "add term" from the right side of the screen in the Vocabulary Manager page, or at the top of the screen if you have already selected a specific vocabulary.

Add the term name and definition in the appropriate slots, and select the parent term in the drop down menu. Select submit and the new term will be added in alphabetical order, or change the "weight" field to make the term float up to the top or drop to the bottom.

#Editing a term

Existing vocabulary can be edited or deleted by selecting the "edit" operation next to that term. Here you can change the definition and wording of the term, but remember that this term might already be tagged to nodes on the website and changing some of these fields might make that tag incongruous with those nodes.