Every patch or [cnmat:node/272|textual source code file] should contain a comment listing the names of the authors and the year(s) it was written.
Software developed by CNMAT students, faculty, and staff almost always belongs to the University.
We generally use the standard UC Regents license, which grants "Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, and not-for-profit purposes" along with a lot of legal language protecting the University.
There is an even more open license that grants "Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and distribute modified versions of this software and its documentation without fee and without a signed licensing agreement", even for for-profit purposes. This is our "open source" license, used, for example, by our OSC libraries, which are included in commercial products by, e.g., Native Instruments.
In the event that we don't have permission to assert a UC copyright, such as with Public Domain Software, the disclaimer should still be included.
License and disclaimer patches can be found in /MMJ-Depot/baseline/support/