[http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/20/max_msp_jitter_day_school_beg...|July 20-24, 11-4 -- Max/MSP/Jitter Day School (beginners to intermediate)]
[http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/21/jitter_night_school_july_20_2...|July 20-24, 6-9 pm -- (Expanded!) Jitter Night School]
[http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/25/interactive_e_textile_worksho...|July 25-26, 10-5 -- Interactive e-textile Workshop with Arduino Lilypad (FULL: places available in August Session below)]
[http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/27/summer_developers_workshop_ma...|July 27-31, 10-3 -- Summer Developers Workshop for Max/MSP/Jitter Externals]
[http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/28/max_msp_night_school_intermed...|July 27-31, 6-9 pm -- Max/MSP/Jitter Night School (for intermediate to advanced users)]
[http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/08/15/August_interactive_e_textile_...|August 15-16, 10-5 -- Interactive e-textile Workshop with Arduino Lilypad (August Session) (NEARLY FULL)]
CNMAT presents a series of spring and summer workshops for students, artists, musicians and anyone interested in learning new software. We are offering a number of interesting new or revised workshops this year, including [http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/04/27/developer_workshop_max_msp_ji...|SPRING] and [http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/27/summer_developers_workshop_ma...|SUMMER] training to develop new Max/MSP/Jitter externals, updated versions of our popular Max/MSP/Jitter [http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/20/max_msp_jitter_day_school_beg...|beginners] and [http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/28/max_msp_night_school_intermed...|advanced] courses, an expanded version of our [http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/21/jitter_night_school_july_20_2...|Jitter workshop], and a new course on [http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/25/interactive_e_textile_worksho...|using interactive e-textiles].
All workshops will be held at [http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/about/directions_cnmat|CNMAT], 1750 Arch Street, Berkeley, CA. To reserve a space, visit the page associated with the workshop and select Sign up. Fees are payable at the first class meeting. We accept visa, mc, cash, or check (payable to UC Regents).
For information on housing, contact the [http://conferenceservices.berkeley.edu/summer_visitor.html|UC Berkeley Summer Visitor Housing] office for information on availability of rooms on campus: (510) 642-4444
[http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/04/27/developer_workshop_max_msp_ji...|SPRING Developers Workshop for Max/MSP/Jitter Externals]
- Runs April 27 to May 1, 2009 (10-12, lunch break 12-1, 1-3)
- This workshop offers a supportive, hands-on environment for you to learn the basics of writing Max C externals and sharpening your skills. We will cover the basics and also provide time for deeper explorations of specialized topics according to your interests.
- Features Max 5.0
- Instructors: John MacCallum, Andy Schmeder, Adrian Freed, with additional supporting teachers
- Fee: $450
[http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/20/max_msp_jitter_day_school_beg...|Max/MSP/Jitter Day School]
- Runs July 20-24, 11 AM -4 PM (Lecture 11-12, lunch break 12-1, lab session with instructor support 1-4)
- This intensive week of hands-on classes covers the basics of Max/MSP/Jitter programming.
- Features Max 5.0
- Instructors: Michael Zbyszynski and other experienced Max/MSP/Jitter teachers
- Fee: $550
[http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/21/jitter_night_school_july_20_2...|Jitter Night School]
- Runs July 20-24, 6-9 PM
- Jitter is an extension to Max that allows flexible generation and manipulation of video, matrix, and 3D graphics data.
- This five-evening sequence of classes covers Cycling 74’s Jitter environment and is designed for students with at least a basic understanding of Max programming.
- Instructor: Andrew Benson
- Fee: $450
[http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/25/interactive_e_textile_worksho...|Interactive e-textile Workshop with Arduino Lilypad]
[http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/08/15/August_interactive_e_textile_...|August 15-16, 10-5 -- Interactive e-textile Workshop with Arduino Lilypad (August Session)]
- Runs July 25-26, 10 AM-5 PM (Lecture and Guest 10-12, lunch break 12-1, lab session with instructor support 1-5) (FULL)
- August 15-16 session still has openings
- By cutting, sewing, sticking, weaving, and layering unusual e-textiles we will build interactive clothing and musical instruments in a collaborative workshop environment.
- Instructors: Adrian Freed, Yotam Mann, and assorted luminary guest teachers to be announced
- Fee: $300 (includes materials fee with lilypad system you keep after the class)
[http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/27/summer_developers_workshop_ma...|SUMMER Developers Workshop for Max/MSP/Jitter Externals]
Learn the basic principles of Max object development and design.
- Runs July 27 to 31, 2009, 10 am to 12 noon (12-1 lunch break), 1 pm to 3 pm
- Limited to 20 participants
- Instructors: John MacCallum, Andy Schmeder, Adrian Freed, with additional supporting teachers during lab sessions
- Fee: $450
[http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2009/07/28/max_msp_night_school_intermed...|Max/MSP Night School]
- The workshop runs July 27-31, 6-9 pm (and typically later)
- The course focuses on the use of Max for control of complex interactive systems. Emphasis is placed on areas of active research and interest at CNMAT
- Instructors: Ali Momeni and guest lecturers
- Fee: $450
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