The exploration stage involves a search within the CNMAT information infrastructure and external sources for possible dates, performers, venues, and technical resources.
The coordination phase involves the reservation of the identified resources required for the event. Our reservation system combines an inventory system, a calendar, and set of rules that allocate the inventoried resources. Inventoried items include entire rooms, microphones, books, software licenses, and musical instruments. The rule system is general enough to accommodate permanently assigning a software license to an individual user, or temporarily loaning a microphone to an event that takes it outside our building. A key to this system is the assignment of unique ID’s to physical and virtual objects and unique identities for users so we can manage the appropriate permissions structure and access control. Once the resources are assigned the event can be created and once approved will be automatically published on our public calendar and e-mail list. Signup of different kinds of help.
Create stage: the actual concert.
Publish stage: sound recordings, reviews, discussion forum, record of what physical and personnel resources were used, etc.