[cnmat:node/3200|Analog] and [cnmat:node/3201|digital] audio patch bays
A/V system with DVD, VHS, CD, Cassette, FM, etc.
NOTE FROM ED 12/15: I am adding some instructions for audio access until we have a new documentation in place.
If basic stereo mini-jack does not work, then the default CNMAT present needs to be reset on the MOTU.
Video projection of DVD, VHS, or laptops
NOTE FROM ED 12/15: I am adding some instructions for video access until we have new document in place.
When switching between HDMI/VGA/Thunderbolt to projector, hit "search" on the remote and projector system will locate which input your computer is using.
Yamaha O2R digital mixer (NOTE: The Yamaha O2R is now stored in the Music Department. For info contact Jay Cloidt: jjcloidt@berkeley.edu)
[cnmat:node/3056|View the main room]
Here is a picture of the O2R, ADAT, and the rack containing the A/V system, MOTU 2408, patch bay, and power distribution.[inline-center:O2R-front.small_.JPG=O2R and rack]