Users can now suggest terms that they feel should be added to the CNMAT website vocabulary. It is up to the website administrators to decide which of these terms should be added to the permanent vocabulary set. This feature will hopefully make the website taxonomy more useful and relevant for the website users.

The Suggested Terms vocabulary set should be thought of as a queue. Terms should only be there for a short while till they are either integrated into the permanent vocabulary or not and then deleted.

It is up to the website editors to decide which of the terms from the [cnmat:admin/content/taxonomy/2603|Suggested Terms] vocabulary should be added to the permanent vocabulary. Be prudent when choosing which terms to add and where you add these terms.

For the vocabulary to be functional, it shouldn't be too specialized nor too broad and needs to stay a manageable size. Avoid adding terms that are unrelated to CNMAT or only useful for one or two nodes. Take a close look at all of the vocabulary sets before you add a term to a particular one; there might be a subcategory in one of the vocabularies that best fits the term that you're trying to add. Keep in mind that in the vocabulary hierarchy children are a "type of" their parent.

Once you find the right place for a new term, add it by selecting "add term" at the top and selecting the parent in the drop down. Adding a definition is helpful to website users and editors. In the case that a Suggested Term already exists or a similar enough term exists, simply retag the node with the similar term.

Remember to retag any nodes that were classified with a suggested term before you delete that suggested term.