#General information
The MOTU 2408 Interface in the rack is connected to the PCI-424 card in the computer. All communication to and from the 2408 is through the PCI-424 driver, so these are somewhat synonymous when referred to by audio applications.

There is a document -- called "**_MOTU PCI-424 Proper Configuration**" -- in the *Shared folder of the TenneyExternal drive that contains the proper default configuration for the PCI-424 driver. Double-click it, and it will set the driver to the proper configuration.

All audio communication between the mixer and the 2408 is over "TDIF" (Tascam Digital Interface), while clock sync is over Word Clock. Bank A of the 2408 should be set to TDIF, with all inputs and outputs on. That bank is mirrored to analog. The clock source should be set to "2408: Word Clock".

The 2408 is connected to the [cnmat:node/3232|MOTU 828] via ADAT Bank C. This is for transferring audio between a laptop and the Rear Studio desktop computer. Channels 15-22 of the MOTU 828 are digital ADAT outputs and routed directly to ADAT Bank C of the MOTU 2408. In order to use this routing, the PCI-424 application on the computer must have Bank C set to “ADAT”. This will make the 828 inputs available to audio applications running on the Mac.

Bus outputs 9-16 on the mixer go both to the Digi002 and to the 2408. For the 2408, busses 9-16 map to TDIF inputs 1-8.

#Setting the clock source
This is the most common issue in the studio. Assuming you're working at 44.1kHz, double-clicking on the "_MOTU PCI-424 Proper Configuration" file in the *Shared folder of the TenneyExternal drive should set the clock properly. To set manually:

- Open the application **MOTU PCI Audio Setup** from the Applications folder. (You can also get to it through various audio applications' hardware setup screens.)
- On the upper left there is a menu for Clock Source select **2408: Word Clock In**. On startup this often resets to PCI: Internal, which is the wrong setting.
- Change the sample rate to a different rate in this window if need be. You will need to change the sample rate on the mixer as well (described at the bottom of [cnmat:node/3233|this page]). NOTE: the Tascam mixer only operates at 44.1 or 48 KHz and does not support higher sample rates.