Provides OSC protocol meta-information and clock synchronization services.


**/osc/version** : Report OSC version

TX: [ /osc/version ]
RX: [ /osc/version ,s "1.0" ]


**/osc/type/accepts** : List typetags understood by device
**/osc/type/reports** : List typetags generated by device

TX: [ /osc/type/* ]
RX: [ /osc/type/accepts ,s "ifsbtTFN" ]
RX: [ /osc/type/reports ,s "ifsbtTFN" ]



These return the approximate accuracy and precision of the device clock. Values are derived from the hardware datasheet and processor execution schedule.

TX: [ /osc/clock/accuracy ]
RX: [ /osc/clock/accuracy ,t (0x....) ]


**/osc/clock/set** : Set the clock

Set the clock to any time-value. On startup the initial time is zero. One can achieve a clock-sync accuracy of at best several milliseconds using this method, as it is subject to random transport delay.

TX: [ /osc/clock/set ,t (new time value) ]
RX: [ /osc/clock/set ,tt (new time value) (old time value) ]


**/osc/clock/inc** : Add time to the clock
**/osc/clock/dec** : Subtract time from the clock

These are used to refine the clock offset by the addition/subtraction of small time increments.

TX: [ /osc/clock/inc ,t (increment amount) ]
RX: [ /osc/clock/inc ,tt (increment amount) (old time value) ]


**/osc/clock/scale** : Get/set the internal scale-factor used to map from device clock to host clock

This can be used to correct for clock drift. User should read out the value first, adjust it, and then write it back in with the same format.

TX: [ /osc/clock/scale ]
RX: [ /osc/clock/scale ,i 92465 ]
TX: [ /osc/clock/scale ,i 92450 ]
RX: [ /osc/clock/scale ,i 92450 ]


**/osc/clock/tick** : Get/set the minimum time interval between scheduler ticks

Accepts a timetag; minimum effective value is around 1.5 msec, no maximum.