# Main:

- /init
- /close
- /exit

# Instrument:

- /Instrument/0 : right side hearing aid
- /Instrument/1 : left side hearing aid

## Instrument Operations

- /Instrument/\*
- /activateMemory (int) : load and activate memory (1-4)
- /enableOutput (int)
- /reboot
- /readMemory
- /writeMemory
- /writeBlock
- /writeFirmware
- /readFirmware
- /findParameter

## Instrument Status

User may poll these variables to read current instrument status.

- /Instrument/\*
- /Busy
- /Mute
- /UIEnable
- /SineGenerator
- /NoiseGenerator
- /TestMode
- /SelfTestResult
- /CommandMode
- /EEPROMLocked
- /PRAMLocked
- /RealTimeDataActive
- /DSPEnabled

## Instrument Global Parameters

Parameters may be read by polling.

- /Instrument/\*
- /BatteryVoltage
- /NumberOfChannels
- /CrossoverFrequency
- /OutputGain
- /SleepEnable
- /TelecoilSwitchEnable
- /Side (right or left)
- /AidType
- /AidStyle
- /VolumeControlPresent
- /LowBatteryWarningEnable
- /LowBatteryShutdownBeepEnable
- /FeedbackCancellerAutoDelayEnable
- /FeedbackCancellerOutputPhaseModulationEnable
- /VolumeControlPositionBeepEnable
- /PushAndHoldMemoryChangeEnable
- /PushAndHoldPowerDownEnable
- /MemoryChangeBeepEnable
- /TelecoilBeepEnable

## Instrument Memory Parameters

Each instrument has four memory presets. Memory parameters:

### Basics

- /Instrument/\*/Memory/\*
- /DAIMode (direct audio input mode)
- /MemoryEnable
- /VolumeControlEnable
- /VolumeControlPosition
- /InputSelectMain

### Features

- /Instrument/\*/Memory/\*
- /NoiseManagementEnable
- /FeedbackCancellerEnable
- /FeedbackCancellerAdaptionEnable
- /DirectionalityEnable = 135
- /TelecoilEnable = 242
- /AutoDirectionalEnable = 291
- /DirectionalLowFrequencyRolloffEnable = 302
- /EnvironmentDetectionEnable = 655
- /EnvironmentDetectionOwnSpeechEnable = 656
- /EnvironmentDetectionNoiseEnable = 657
- /EnvironmentAdaptionEnable = 658
- /EnvironmentAdaptionOwnSpeechEnable = 659
- /EnvironmentAdaptionWindNoiseEnable = 660
- /EnvironmentAdaptionMachineNoiseEnable = 661

### Compressor Time Constants

- /Instrument/\*/Memory/\*
- /CompressionAttackTC
- /ExpansionAttackTC
- /TransitionToExpansionTC
- /TransitionToCompressionTC

## Channel Parameters

The instrument contains an 8 channel compressor with configurable parameters.

- /Instrument/\*/Memory/\*/Channel/\*
- /ExpansionThreshold (dB)
- /CompressionThreshold
- /GainAtCompressionThreshold
- /GainAtExpansionThreshold
- /ExpansionRatio
- /TransitionCompressionRatio (read-only)
- /OCLThreshold (output compression limiting)
- /MaxGain

## Band Parameters

The instrument contains a 16-band static equalization.

- /Instrument/\*/Memory/\*/Band/\*
- /Gain