#CNMAT Rear Studio hard drive and backups summary (updated 5/6/14)
Drives on the Rear Studio Mac now:
• Internal Mac HD: 500GB
• Tenney External: new Glyph RAID 2TB
• New Pedagogy Archive: new Glyph RAID 2TB
• GMAX External: OWC RAID 1TB
• Sample Libraries: new Glyph RAID 2TB
• Time Machine: OWC 1TB
• (plus drive dock for floating project drives)
Time Machine backup:
Continual backup of all files on Mac HD and New Pedagogy Archive
BackBlaze backup:
Continual backup of all files on all drives attached to Rear Studio Mac (not backed up: System and Application files for Mac HD; these are covered by Time Machine)
Offsite backup (Jay’s office in Morrison):
Backup of Internal Mac HD, New Pedagogy Archive, Sample Libraries drives on new Samsung 1TB raw drive
Offsite backup (Campion home):
Backup of New Pedagogy Archive
Media Studio:
BackBlaze backup of all drives initiated and monitored by Adrian