As an example, the node for the piece _Corail_ should have tags indicating all of the following:

+ it is a musical composition
+ it was written by Edmund Campion
+ it was composed in 2000-2001
+ it was composed at CNMAT
+ it is for saxophone
+ it is an interactive real-time piece
+ it uses Max/MSP
+ it uses pitch detection
+ it uses sample playback synthesis
+ it uses live sampling
+ it uses a wireless microphone
+ it uses VBAP
+ it was performed by Steve Adams
+ it was performed by Susan Fancher
+ it was performed by Vincent David
+ Matt Wright wrote some of the software for it
+ it is dedicated to John Campion
+ it was described in Computer Music Journal, 28:4, pp. 16 – 24
+ it was performed by Michael Zbyszynski at Calday 2006
+ it has multichannel sound output
+ it involves improvisation

A [cnmat:node/2762|casual visitor to the CNMAT website] should be able to discover the node for _Corail_ by finding it in the list of links for any of these tags.