
The Engaging Music Panel contains links to the automatically generated MIC resource page. The terms are arranged hierarchically in four major categories. These categories appear on the left side panel, and once clicked, that category's terms appear on the right.

To edit this panel go to "Administer", and under the category "Site Building" select "Panels". Find the panel titled "Engaging Music", and click "edit" on the right side of the screen.

#Adding or removing terms in the subcategory lists

The list of terms on the right each appear in a separate block labeled "custom". Once you find the list that you want to edit, simply place the term (with proper tab indentation) in the list. The <pre> html tag which appears before the list ensures that whatever indentation or spacing you use here will stay intact. It is a good idea to copy/paste the entire contents of the block into a text editor so that you can see the arrangement of terms more clearly since the blocks in the panel editor page are fairly small.

#Updating the MIC link of a term

You will need the Term ID to create the link. Add the term by creating a link in the form <a href=mic_resource/[Term ID]>Term Name</a>. This will create a link to a MIC Resource page specific to that term.