[[http://jmpelletier.com/cvjit/|Computer Vision Library]]

[[http://jmpelletier.com/freenect/|Kinect Video Max Object]]

[[http://webcam-osx.sourceforge.net/|Macam USB Webcam Support]]

[[http://peauproductions.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1_9|PS3 Eye with Lens Modification]]

[[http://www.amazon.com/Kinect-Sensor-Adventures-Xbox-360/dp/B002BSA298| Kinect Camera on Amazon.com]]

Recommendations from Ilya Rostovtsev for video/intermedia software packages

1. Processing ()
Exceptionally fit for rapid prototyping & amorphous experimentation. Out-of-the-box support: video (mov) / 2D drawing / 3D (OpenGL) / Android (needs SDK). Also, supports Arduino natively, as Arduinos are coded in a variant of Processing. Exceptional community support, e.g. for Processing (a multi-purpose library).

2. Cinder () and openFrameworks ()
A pair of uncompiled C++ libraries that provide functions similar to Processing. While less friendly for experimental play, the libraries provide a remarkable shortcut to creative coding, with an option of using any of the C++ libraries (e.g. Microsoft's official Kinect SDK controlling custom graphical output layers). OF provides superior Arduino support, and may be better supported for audio work, though I have not verified the latter claim (and, again, 3rd party C++ libraries for audio are abundant). Both provide loading / blitting of images, videos, drawing, 3D graphics, and partial support for iOS and Android mobile platforms.

3. vvvv ()
A free max-type environment for Windows for visual work, similar to Isadora (see below).

4. Isadora ()
A proprietary graphics programming environment similar to Max, but rumored to be unreliable in live situations. David Stout's NoiseFold project () uses Isadora for texture generation (offline), actual 3D geometry is rendered in Jitter.

5. Jitter (Max/MSP) and GEM ()
A word of warning: the real-time performance for live video is often inferior to the current standards of 1080p/720p video available in most home theaters and therefore should be utilized with utmost caution if visual quality is a concern. Additionally, the system resources required by Max/PD environments are most certainly costly. Given that some projects can not be easily done otherwise, the trade-off between ease-of-use and performance should be considered carefully. Live video comparable to the current production standards is (mostly) an impossibility, as image-conversion bottlenecks result in considerable latency. However, the applications for image processing for control both in Max and in PD remain a fertile field for consideration.

6. OpenGL & Standard Libraries
Significantly faster and more efficient than any of the above, yet with a massive drawback of dealing with everything first-hand. In most general cases, going this deep is unnecessary. However, most cutting-edge developments with High Level Shader Language (HLSL), DirectX, and new builds of OpenGL will be only possible here.