# Overview
The weblink node type allows users to share and categorize content from the internet on CNMAT's website. For example, a student could share a new audio visualization tool that he found, or a professor could link to an article that she was mentioned in.
The most useful thing about the Weblink node type, is that like all CNMAT content, it can be "tagged". [cnmat:node/2613|Tagging] is a convenient way cross-reference content and make it easy to explore any CNMAT-related area.
# Filling out the node
There are only three things to fill out in the Weblink node type. The Title of the Weblink can be anything that makes it clear what the link is, like [cnmat:node/9882|Berio's Wikipedia Article] or [cnmat:node/394|Hargrove Music Library Online]. The Link URL is exactly what it sounds like. The Body is where you can enter additional information like what this website is about, or why you decided to share this website, etc.
# Tagging the Weblink
The terms are arranged hierarchically with three large categories: Subjects, Things, and People. Look for terms related to the websites content and select any relevant terms. Pay especially close attention to the first three categories since that is where many of the most useful and relevant tags are. There are additional tags in the drop down menu called "Additional Tags". If you didn't find the term that you were looking for, you can [cnmat:node/9934|suggest a term].
Do not tag content using the "Categories" drop-down.