Our online presence features continually evolving content with opportunities for user interaction and contributions including:
[cnmat:about|About] – an overview of CNMAT, including directions to our facility and ways to get involved with our programs;
[cnmat:calendar|Events] – upcoming concerts, lectures, workshops, etc.;
[cnmat:research|Research] – gateway to CNMAT research projects and publications;
[cnmat:mic|Education > Music Information Center] -- a gateway to content related to electronic music, computer music, and contemporary music;
[cnmat:library/max_msp_jitter_depot|Education > Max/MSP/Jitter Depot] – a collection of downloadable software designed to assist composers, performers and music educators;
[cnmat:new_music|New Music] – listen to excerpts of music by composers associated with CNMAT.
If you have a connection with CNMAT or have been invited to create a new web account by one of our staff, you should [cnmat:user/register|register]. The online form asks for some basic information about you and your interests, and helps us determine an appropriate level of access. You'll receive log in approval quickly and then be able to explore and interact with CNMAT's expanded web world.
- CNMAT's research is oriented towards the creation of new music. This includes its composition and performance as well as improvisation and related collaborative practices. CNMAT's notion of composition includes the writing of scores for concert music, the design of musical instruments, and the conception of the performance situation. Musical design is in the forefront of our research agenda and this design discipline rests on the bedrock of how we experience and understand music. It is in this regard that research in music perception and cognition plays its role in the workings of musical material.