New music exhibits novelty in its situation, presentation, compositional process, performance practice, or outcome. In some pieces, that novelty is dependent on or derived from the use of technology.


Another Cascando (...that's what counts...face in the mud...)

A work for piano and electronics, written by Brian Kane for pianist Sebastian Berweck. The electronics are based on a recording of shovelling mud, and processed in two ways: 1) a special, homemade MAX/MSP patch; 2) in SuperCollider, running a set of classes that read MEAPSoft data--as if you cared!


Melodrama, nach Beethoven

An electronic work based on Beethoven's Melodram for Glass Harmonica and Reciter. The piece uses a wide variety of electronic music techniques to create an unusual musical narrative. The piece was realized by Brian Kane while a graduate student in composition at Berkeley, using MAX/MSP, Audio Sculpt, Open Music and ProTools
