August 19-22, 2019
CNMAT, 1750 Arch St., Berkeley
Instructors:  Jeff Lubow and John MacCallum, guest speakers
Fee: $250

This course will guide students through the odot (o.) programming toolkit for Max/MSP. Odot was designed to support the rapid and robust development of time-based media / arts applications. This course is tailored to artists and developers from any background working with time-based media.

Odot is an extension of Open Sound Control (OSC), a popular format for aggregating data and communicating between devices. In the Max programming environment, odot consists of a number of externals and patches for creating, manipulating, and displaying this data. Leveraging this toolkit, we will explore the design of complex, real-world patches, with an emphasis on real-time processing, and design patterns for robust yet agile performance-ready patches.

Topics will include: an introduction to Max and its event scheduler, audio in Max (MSP), sound design and synthesis, integration with graphics processing, networked performance, and physical computing.

A prerequisite of basic knowledge in the MaxMSP programming environment is encouraged, but not necessary. During the course, we will work primarily in this environment, as well as other scripting environments such as python and javascript (node.js). We will provide materials and basic introductions as we go.

odot was developed by John MacCallum, Adrian Freed, Ilya Rostovtsev and Rama Gottfried at CNMAT.

SEATING IS LIMITED! To reserve a space, please contact Richard Andrews: randrews@berkeley.edu