Starting up:
Power on equipment in order of switches, left to right: MOTU 1248 Interface, StudioComm Monitor Controller, HD-1s, Genelec 5.1 system.
If using the MOTU 1248, the HD-1s appear as outputs 1 and 2 (Main L/R), and the Genelecs as outputs 5-10 (Analog 1-6).
Note: the monitor controller starts up with the outputs muted. Press the “Mute all” button next to the volume knob and the outputs will unmute.

Connecting a Laptop:
The USB input to the MOTU 1248, and HDMI input to the right monitor are both plugged into the thunderbolt dock on the desktop. If you have a thunderbolt-equipped laptop, just plug in the TB cable, open a DAW or other music app, and you’re good to go. No drivers required for the MOTU. (NOTE: playing audio via “QuickLook” from the Mac desktop is not supported).
You can also connect to the speakers via the patchbay. Analog inputs are provided for the L/R HD-1s and the 5.1 Genelec system. Plug in and switch the monitor controller to input B (see below).

Using the Monitor Controller:
Select your input via the buttons on the lower left. Input A is the MOTU interface in the rack, Input B is the inputs from the patchbay. Note that there are separate inputs for surround and stereo.
Select your output with the button to the left and above the volume knob. Surround is the Genelecs, Stereo is the HD-1s.
Use the knob to control the volume. Yes, it really is that simple.
Note: the “REF” button on the controller is used to toggle the output volume to a preset reference level (all the way down). If the knob isn’t working and this button displays a solid orange LED, then press the button to toggle back to knob control.

Using the MOTU 1248/Recording:
For playback use and basic recording, the MOTU configuration software isn’t necessary – the preset stored on the device routes all I/O as above.
If you do need to access the configuration, from the Mac Pro (or your computer if you have the MOTU AVB software installed), click the MOTU AVB icon in the taskbar and select the interface from the dropdown. The configuration page opens in your browser. As a courtesy to other users, please restore to the default preset if you change any device parameters.
The hanging omni mics from upstairs are patched into Mic inputs 1 and 2 of the MOTU 1248, from wall outputs R11 and R12. They should have phantom power and gain set, but this can be checked in the MOTU AVB configuration