CNMAT recommended free or near-free third-party software links

IanniX is a graphical open-source sequencer.
IanniX syncs via Open Sound Control (OSC) events and curves to your real-time environment.

A tool for creating customized music notation fonts.

+ All2MP3MP3 conversion tool

+ Lame mp3 encoder Recommended for VBR/ABR mp3 encoding.

+ Free Lossless Audio Encoder (FLAC) A very robust lossless audio encoder.

+ Audacity (OSX, Windows, GNU/Linus) Recording and sound editor.

: Audacity plug-ins

+ Spear Spectral analysis, editing and re-synthesis

+ Transcribe to aid music transcription from sound files

+ Soundhack spectral audio processing for the macintosh

+ PWGL a visual language based on Common Lisp, CLOS and OpenGL, specialized in computer aided composition and sound synthesis. (like Open Music)

+ SuperCollider a real time audio synthesis programming language

+ Processing an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions.

+ [cnmat:link/3580|Csound] a sound and music synthesis system, providing facilities for composition and performance over a wide range of platforms.

+ CLAM can be used for audio analysis and synthesis. It is specially well-suited for spectral analysis/synthesis.

+ Sonic Visualiser A Free Graphical Tool for Audio Analysis (Spectrum, Events, Meter, etc.)