San Francisco Contemporary Music Players

Concert 5

Zeroes and Ones

Monday, April 8, 2002
Yerba Beuna Center Forum
What do a trombone, a truck, and a radio all have in common? Hall Goff hits upon a surprising answer in Alvarez' glitzy, hot-to-trot Mambo Vinko . SFCMP takes a swerve into the electroacoustic realm, infusing the sonic techno frontier with instrumental warmth and luster. Harpist Karen Gottlieb brings delicacy and drama to Cort Lippe1s digital tour de force. Ezequiel Viñao and Ronald Bruce Smith tear open the doors of sonic imagination.

Hall Goff, trombone,
Karen Gottlieb, harp,
Jean-Louis LeRoux, conductor

Ezequiel Viñao The Voices of Silence

Cort Lippe Music for Harp and Tape,
Javier Alvarez Mambo Vinko

Ronald Bruce Smith Return to Breath (US premiere) trumpet, 2 percussionists, bass and 4 channel tape.

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Tuesday, April 9, 2002, 3:00am to 5:00am