Virtuoso trombonist Abbie Conant presents an evening of works for trombone and electronics, including world premieres of pieces by Pauline Oliveros, Chris Brown, and Maggi Payne. The evening will conclude with a large-scale improvisation.

Ms. Conant is an internationally acclaimed trombonist who was soloist of the Munich Philharmonic from 1980 to 1993. In recent years she has performed as a soloist in over 60 cities in Europe and America.


- Chris Brown,"Time Bomb: Four Poems by Mina Loy" for Trombone and Interactive Electronics.

- Pauline Oliveros, "The Heart of Tones", for trombone and 2 oscillators: Matthew Wright, oscillator, William Osborne, oscillator.

- Abbie Conant and Matthew Wright, "Garden of Earthly Delights", for trombone and interactive electronics, on a text by Czeslaw Milosz. Matthew Wright: interactive electronics. World Premiere
Maggi Payne "Hum 2: (Diana, Goddess of the Hunt)", for 8 trombones: live trombone and 7-track tape.

- Jorge Boehringer, "The Sinking Ship" (How to Use the Trombone as a Snorkel), for trombone, video and delay line: Jorge Boehringer, delay line.

- William Osborne, "As it were of a trumpet talking", from "Music for the End of Time", for trombone and quadraphonic tape.

- Alex Potts "The Secret Waits for Eyes Unclouded by Longing" for trombone and interactive electronics Alex Potts, computer

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Friday, January 28, 2000, 3:00am to 5:00am