Applications (fully functional patches or packages)
MMJ Depot Application: A generally useful patch with a complete enough GUI that it can be used without doing any Max programming. An Application is a turnkey solution to some problem, not a reusable software component. Applications are suggested when a composer or researcher desires to share an activity that has become habitual to the point where a fixed environment can exist. Applications might edit or reformat data, provide composer or audio engineering assistance, as well as operate on or perform digital sound in a specified way.
Download the MMJ Depot along with the CNMAT Everything package, found here.
namedescriptionauthorsversionaudition-and-decide-Ipreview a group of sounds and assess their characteristics Campion & Lubow 0.8a
audition-and-decide-IIpreview a group of sounds and assess their characteristics Campion & Lubow 0.3a
Internal_Synthset up a general MIDI orchestra on the internal synthesizer Michael Zbyszynski 1.0b
Internal_Synth_OSCcontrol your computer's internal synth with OSC-style messages Zbyszynski / Campion / Lubow 2.1b
make-tunecreates a short sequence of note pairs for testing any synth Campion 0.1
Probability-pitch-setsselect mdid notes based on probability table Campion 1
Probability-pitch-sets-v2select mdid notes based on probability table CNMAT 0.4b
audition-soundfiles~preview a folder of sounds Lubow & Campion 1.1a
samplemixercreate phrases with multichannel soundfile playback, then mix down Campion/Zbyszynski/Lubow 1.0b
samplemixer-stcreate phrases with multiple stereo soundfiles, then mix down to stereo (based on groovewrap~) Campion & Zbyszynski 1
sf-presenterExplore and annotate a sound file Campion/MZED/JML 0.1a