A generalized package, to be used in an application, demo, tutor, or tutorial. Modules are addressable with
OSC messages.

Download the MMJ Depot along with the CNMAT Everything package, found here.

namedescriptionauthorsversionasym-tanh~Asymmetrically applies a hyperbolic tangent function to a signal Michael Zbyszynski 1.2alpha
envelope-follower~rms-based amplitude envelope follower with lowpass filter Michael Zbyszynski 1.2b
only-positive~half-wave rectifier Wright & Zbyszynski 1.2a
silictor~Like selector~ but with a settable ramp time instead of abrupt click Wright & Zbyszynski 1.1a
deltaoutputs the difference between current and previous input. Wright & Zbyszynski 1.1beta
int+fracGiven a number, output the integer part (rounding towards zero) and the fractional part (a float with absolute value between 0 and 1). Wright & Zbyszynski 1.1b
nearly==Like ==, but with a tolerance factor for the maximim allowable difference between two nearly equal numbers Wright & Zbyszynski 1.0b
nothingThe nothing object doesn't do much, but it can be handy for wiring. Wright & Zbyszynski 1.2b
pipe-anyLike pipe but accepting lists and messages as well as floats and ints. Wright & Zbyszynski 1.1b
sel-long-enoughLike select with one argument, except that the value it's looking for must be hed for long enough (no different inputs) to get the bang out the left outlet. Wright & Zbyszynski 1.3b
zeroey-gateA gate for floats that outputs a zero when closed, then outpts the most recently received input when opened. Wright & Zbyszynski 1.1b
OSC-bcf2000.jsOSC wrapper for the Behringer BCF2000 Macallum & Hunt 1.1a
OSC-BU-353OSC Wrapper for bu-353 GPS module Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
OSC-Chameleon-Game-PadOSC wrapper for the Chameleon Game Pad Matt Wright 1.0a
OSC-pc1600OSC wrapper for the Peavy PC-1600 or PC1600x MIDI command station Wright & Zbyszynski 1.2b
OSC-propedalsOSC wrapper for the propedals usb controller Matt Wright 1.0a
OSC-STC-1000OSC wrapper patch for the Mercurial STC-1000 touchpad Matt Wright 1.1a
OSC-wacomOSC Wrapper for wacom tablets Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
OSC-WiiremoteOSC wrapper for the wii remote via tha aka.wiiremote object Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
OSC-Xkeys-StickOSC wrapper for the Xkeys controller Matt Wright 1.1a
catenarygenerate and draw catenary curves Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
choose-intchoose a single integer between 1-9 using multiple specification criteria Matt Wright 1
Lucas-sequence-makerCreates numerical sequences that are -- such as fibonacci numbers. M. Zbyszynski 1.0b
random-if-multiple-digitsselect digits when integers > 9 are input Matt Wright / Jeff Lubow 1
random-in-rangechoose a number between a min and max Matt Wright / Jeff Lubow 1
data_recorderrecords one data stream into a collection and plays it back Michael Zbyszynski 1.2alpha
data_recorder_audiorecords one data stream into an audio buffer and plays it back M. Zbyszynski 1.1alpha
data_recorder_listthis patch records lists into a collection and plays them back Zbyszynski & Chanfrault 1.2
enveloped-recorder~records into a buffer with fade-in and fade-out Matt Wright 1.1a
jit.sdif.tuplesmoves matricies from an SDIF-buffer to a jitter matrix Michael Zbyszynski 0.2b
multicollthis abstraction helps you read lots of collections into Max Matt Wright 0.3a
pstore-simple-storagebasic interface for pattrstorage Jeff Lubow 1
multiple-sdif-bufferscreates a number of SDIF buffers with common names and OSC addressing Wright & Zbyszynski 1.1b
BPF-line-scalertakes a break point function line message and scales it to fit a desired overall length in ms "Campion" help
rcalibadjusts a running stream of numbers to the required range Michael Zbyszynski 1.0b
rzcalibadjusts a running stream of numbers to the required range *and* adjusts the zero point Michael Zbyszynski 1.1b
durations-to-onsetsconvert lists of seconds to onset intervals Matt Wright / Jeff Lubow 1
int2digitlistintput int output as its components Matt Wright / Jeff Lubow 1
letter2num-listconvert a list of letters to corresponding numbers Jeff Lubow 1
onepolesingle-pole lowpass filter Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
OSC-aliaschanges OSC-style messages into other OSC-style messages Michael Zbyszynski 1.0b
OSC-vs-pattrmoving between OSC and pattr syntax Michael Zbyszynski 2.0a
name of objectwhat does it do? Michael Zbyszynski 2.0alpha
change-symlike change but works for symbols Wright & Zbyszynski 1.0b
cnmat.roundround to nearest integer even if negative Wright & Zbyszynski 2.0b
jsChorda tool for visualizing pitches and chords Michael Zbyszynski 0.3
jsMelodya tool for visualizing rhythms and melodies Michael Zbyszynski 0.3
list-clipclip a list instead of a single element Jeff Lubow 0.1a
list-of-last-noutputs list of last n inputs Wright & Zbyszynski 1.3b
scale~signal-domain version of scale Michael Zbyszynski 1.1b
scramblerandomly reorders a list Michael Zbyszynski 1.1b
pan+amp~controls stereo panning and amplitude in dB for a mono audio signal Michael Zbyszynski 1.2b
multipan~controls panning: 2-12 inputs to 4-16 outputs Michael Zbyszynski 1.5
panhandler~controls panning: 1 in x (4-8) out Michael Zbyszynski 1.5a
speaker_placement.jshelps create define_loudspeakers messages for VBAP Michael Zbyszynski 1.1
amp+delay_rectanglefor panning in a rectangle - includes amplitude and delay panning. Michael Zbyszynski 1.5b
Recording_Rectanglerecord an playback spatialization in 4-channels Michael Zbyszynski 1.5b
simple_squaresimple patch for panning in a square Michael Zbyszynski 1.5b
clock-diagramvisualize notes, chords, and scales as shapes Michael Zbyszynski 1.2
jsChorda tool for visualizing pitches and chords Michael Zbyszynski 0.3
jsMelodya tool for visualizing rhythms and melodies Michael Zbyszynski 0.3
jsNotationdiplays western music notation Michael Zbyszynski 0.3
key_lookupA graphically-based keyboard that can be loaded as a bpatcher. Jeff Lubow 1.0_alpha
vhcommenta vertical or horizontal comment. Jeff Lubow 0.1a
16-tap-delay~delay line with 16 taps Zbyszynski/Campion 1.2
4-tap-delay~delay line with 4 taps Zbyszynski/Campion 1.2
aux_sendsend audio to a desination of your choice Jeff Lubow 0.1a
chorus~a simple mono chorus with variable feedback Wright & Zbyszynski 1.1b
feedback-delay~a delay with adjustible feedback Michael Zbyszynski 1.1a
fft-pitch~spectral processing on audio input Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
flange~classic flange effect Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
harm-gran~granularly transposes playback from tapin~ buffer Michael Zbyszynski 1.2
noise-gate~simple noise gate Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
OSC-filteran OSC wrapper for biquad~ Campion & Zbyszynski 1.0a
phaser~12-stage phaser effect Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
pitch-stutter~pitchshift and stutter Michael Zbyszynski 1.3b
ringmod~a simple ring-modulator Michael Zbyszynski 1.1b
shadow-sinefollows played notes with a short sine at the same pitch Wright & Zbyszynski 1.0a
sweeping_delay~smoothly varying delay with feedback anon 1.2alpha
tremolo~adds tremolo (amplitude variation) to a signal Michael Zbyszynski 1.1a
vibrato~adds vibrato to a signal Michael Zbyszynski 1.1a
vowel~applies vowel formants to an audio signal and interpolates between the last two Michael Zbyszynski 1.1a
osc-brcosabrightness - contrast - saturation - opensoundcontrol Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
osc-edgeedge detection on an image Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
osc-halftoneconverts movie to halftone Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
osc-huea simple osc wrapper around jit.hue Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
osc-rotatean osc wrapper to rotate jitter matricies Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
osc-streaka simple osc wrapper around jit.streak Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
cue_buttonset up cues for events to be triggered in max namespace Jeff Lubow / Edmund Campion 1
letterlistens for a specific letter on the keyboard (put in bpatcher) Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
transport_controlsgraphical interface for basic transport controls Jeff Lubow 0.1a
list-booloutput true/false value for threshold on each item of an input list Jeff Lubow 0.1a
list-incan incrementing list of size n Jeff Lubow 1
list-multmultiply two lists together Jeff Lubow 1
list-norm-expdecaygenerate an exponentially decaying list Jeff Lubow 0.1a
list-std-deviationcompute the standard deviation of a list Jeff Lubow 0.1a
list-stepsericreate a step-based series (list) Jeff Lubow 0.1a
MIDI-bend-scalermap midi pitch bend values (0-127) to values between -1 and 1 Matt Wright 1.1a
midi2pitchconverts MIDI note numbers to pitch symbols John MacCallum 1
midivel2gainmap MIDI velocity onto gain Matt Wright 1.0a
pitch2midiconverts note names (symbols) to MID note numbers John MacCallum 1
multigain~controls overall gain for 2-24 audio signals Michael Zbyszynski 1.0b
simple-stereo-gain~Play audio out two channels Jeff Lubow 1.1
groovewrap~a playback wrapper for the groove~ object with memory and recall Campion/Zbyszynski/Lubow 2.1b
gwinterfacea graphical user interface for groovewrap~ Wright & Zbyszynski 1.2b
multibufthis abstraction helps you read sound files into buffer~'s Momeni Wright and Zbyszynski 1.7b
playbuf~simple buffer playback with easy transposition in fractionalsemitones Campion/Lubow 1
reso-string-p~polyphonic version of reso-string~ Michael Zbyszynski 1.0a
reso-string~a resonant model of a plucked string Michael Zbyszynski 1.5b
sin-synth-ext~like sin-synth~ but reads from an external buffer Michael Zbyszynski 1.1a
sin-synth~Frees the user from the tedious details of synthesizing sinusoidal models from SDIF files Michael Zbyszynski 1.2a
simple_wavemakerbuild harmonic waveform for use with cycle~ Richard Dudas alpha
wavemaker.jsAdditive synthesis of one cycle of ah harmonic waveform with specified amplitudes and partials Freed, Wright, & Zbyszynski 1.3b
activitybang if nothing happens for a while Tom Mays 1
deldelallows a controlled chain of delays to create a timed sequence of events (a phrase) Campion and Wright 1.b
clicker~simple auditory feedback for sub-beat Zbyszynski-Campion 2
eventlistan interface for triggering events on specific sub-beats Michael Zbyszynski 1.6a
eventnodean interface for triggering events on specific sub-beats Michael Zbyszynski 1.6a
phase-beatbang and count from a given phase of a master tempo Michael Zbyszynski 1.1a
sub-beatreports beats and subdivisions from a master tempo Campion & Zbyszynski 2.7a
tempo~a phasor~-based metronome Michael Zbyszynski 3.1b
addpathdynamically add a path to Max's search paths by passing a symbol in Jeff Lubow / John MacCallum 0.1a
pathpopoutput a path, popped back N directories Jeff Lubow 1.0a
splitpathsplit a filepath's name and path Jeff Lubow 1.0b