
The Music and Inter-arts Project Node provides a frame for a full compass documentation of a specific artistic work or creative project. In the New Music and Inter-arts Library itself, projects are grouped together around the individual composer/author/collaborator. Each individual person represented in the library may have several works documented and associated with their name. A separate Music and Inter-arts Project Node is required for each individual project.

Music and Inter-Arts Project Nodes pull together and reference existing nodes. Audio nodes, video nodes, publication nodes are created in advance then are grouped together around a project.

To include an audio file, for example, one must first go to "Create Content -> Audio", create the audio node and record its node number. Keep a list of the node numbers you create for audio, video, publications, then one can include those node numbers when creating the Music and Inter-Arts Project Node.


- You have the option of adding a photo at the top, which will appear when users access this page. Additional images can be added to this node in the "Image" field.

- Complete the "Title" and "Composers" fields with the appropriate information.

- The "Description" field should contain a short blurb about the piece. "Input Format" changes the formatting of the "Description" field.


- To have your Music and Inter-Arts Project appear correctly under your name in the Inter-Arts Library, you must include your CNMAT login name in the People/People Involved window. You can and should also include the names of significant collaborators either in or outside CNMAT. If the collaborators are part of the CNMAT web site, be sure to obtain their true login name so that the material will be linked to their current people profile at CNMAT.


- Add Audio node numbers here, one per line. If you fill up all of the available slots, simply click "submit" and then "edit" the page again, and more empty slots will appear. See the manual page about node IDs if you do not know how to find a page's node number.

- See this tutorial page for more information about creating Audio nodes.


- Add publication node numbers here, one per line. If you fill up all of the available slots, simply click "submit" and then "edit" the page again, and more empty slots will appear.

- See this tutorial page for more information about creating a new Score node.

# Video

- Add publication node numbers here, one per line. If you fill up all of the available slots, simply click "submit" and then "edit" the page again, and more empty slots will appear.

- See this tutorial page for more information about creating Video nodes.

# Related Publications

- This field is for adding "Publication" nodes such as conference papers, books, or articles related to the project.

- See this tutorial page for more information about creating a new "Publication" node.

# Related Events

- Add the node IDs of any events where this Music and Inter-Art Project was shown.

# Related Software

- This field is for referencing any Max/MSP/Jitter Patches in the MMJ Depot used in creating this project.

- If the software is not in the MMJ Depot, add a link to the webpage which includes this software.
