In this lecture by visiting Regents' Lecturer René Caussé, a digital signal processing method for radiation pattern synthesis is presented. In the first part, typical radiation properties of musical instruments are illustrated and discussed from a perceptual point of view. The second part describes the method of radiation pattern synthesis. The performance is discussed and illustrated by measurements undertaken with different prototypes. The possible applications in the field of music and electroacoustics are discussed.

René Caussé has been at the Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique et Musique (IRCAM-Paris) since 1977. He has been in charge of IRCAM's acoustic group since 1991 and specializes in musical acoustics research .

Prof. Caussé has also been in charge of collaborations with universities and research centers, including Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland (A.H. Benade); University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (G. Weinreich); Universite du Maine, Le Mans (J. Kergomard and M. Bruneau); Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris (F. Laloe); Eindhoven University (A. Hirschberg); Telecom, Paris (A. Chaigne); Universite de Paris and Ircam (S. McAdams); Universite de Paris (M. Castellengo and X. Boutillon). This is the second of two visits by Prof. Caussé as a Regents' Lecturer.

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Thursday, April 16, 1998, 11:00pm to Friday, April 17, 1998 1:00am