Computer Chamber Music

Lyon will discuss recent compositions integrating laptop performance to the classical chamber music practice, with a compositional focus. This will lead to a dialog on performance practices developed at CNMAT and how they may relate to my ideas on computer chamber music.

Eric Lyon is a composer and developer of computer music software. He is a co-developer of FFTease, and his LyonPotpourri externals have also found favor in the MaxMSP world. His recent compositional output includes works for the Smith Quartet, NeXT Ens., Kathleen Supové, and most recently, a Trio for flute, clarinet and computer that was premiered by Elizabeth McNutt, Esther Lamneck and the composer. The work was commissioned for the opening of the MANTIS Studios at the University of Manchester. Lyon’s current compositional work focuses on computer chamber music, spatial orchestration, and organized noise.

Lyon has taught computer music at Keio University, The International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS), Dartmouth College, and the University of Manchester, before joining the School of Music and Sonic Art at Queen’s University Belfast.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007, 10:15pm to 11:30pm