Laetitia Sonami:
The Lady's Glove and Recent Works

Laetitia Sonami was born in France and settled in the United States in 1975 to pursue her interest in the growing field of electronic music. Her work combines text, music and "found sound" from the world, in compositions which have been descibed as "performance novels". She is creating and utilizing some of the most sophisticated technologies in order to create an intimate, spontaneous art form which transcends technology. For the past few years she has developed and adapted new gestural controllers to musical performance and composed works with these materials. Her latest creation developed at STEIM, Amsterdam, is the lady's glove made out of black lycra, embedded with sensors which track the slightest motion of each finger, the hand and the arm. The performance thus becomes a small dance where the movements shape the music.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2001, 11:00pm to Wednesday, November 7, 2001 1:00am