Imitation Systems (IMSYS) and the accompanying research is primarily focused around the acoustic spatialization and locative control of frequency bins resulting from a Fourier Analysis of a signal via flocking algorithms. The process uses an implementation of Vector Based Amplitude Panning (VBAP) to spread frequency content of input audio through a multi-channel sound system while giving the composer discrete spatial control over individual FFT partials. In addition to exposing a new layer of dimensional intervention over spectral content, the effect lends itself to an immersive and ethereal sonic experience unique among other methods of point source panning. Additionally, visual methods for the designation of loudspeaker positions and sound sources through the openGL framework in Max/MSP/Jitter are also discussed. The presentation, taking the shape of a performance lecture, will include a technical description of the systems and address a broader conversation around spatial composition and its ability to challenge traditional power dynamics through music.


Tommy Martinez is a New York City based sound artist and programmer. His work takes the form of live sound improvisations with code, speech and electroacoustic sound sources. He currently leads a creative technology studio and residency program at Pioneer Works in Red Hook, Brooklyn that develops software, community, and art projects that respond to emerging social and cultural challenges.


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Friday, November 15, 2019, 3:00pm to 4:30pm
1750 Arch Street
Oakland, CA
This Event is Free and Open to the Public