New music exhibits novelty in its situation, presentation, compositional process, performance practice, or outcome. In some pieces, that novelty is dependent on or derived from the use of technology.



Playback, (seven evening-length performances), Agora Festival, IRCAM, Paris, June 7-13, 1999
Playback, IRCAM production, Lausanne, Switzerland, September
Playback, IRCAM production, Metz, France, March, 2000

Année de composition : 1999
Durée : 90 mn
Information sur la création

Commande : SACD (Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques - Action culturelle) et Ircam


Edmund Campion, Playback


All audio files are from the archival recordings made during the performances at IRCAM in 1999. Vincent David, Sax, Marc Marder, Double Bass, Benoit Gaudelette, vibraphone and timpani


Edmund Campion, Playback

Part III

All audio files are from the archival recordings made during the performances at IRCAM in 1999. Vincent David, Sax, Marc Marder, Double Bass, Benoit Gaudelette, vibraphone and timpani


Edmund Campion, Playback

Part II

All audio files are from the archival recordings made during the performances at IRCAM in 1999. Vincent David, Sax, Marc Marder, Double Bass, Benoit Gaudelette, vibraphone and timpani



1999 Max/MSP sound installation for the Metronome project of Andrew Ginzel and Kristen Jones. Union Square, NYC.
