Matthew Schumaker is a native of San Francisco, where he is based. He earned a doctorate in Music Composition from UC Berkeley in August 2015 where he studied with Professors Edmund Campion, Cindy Cox, Franck Bedrossian, Ken Ueno and David Wessel. His piece, As I ride the late night freeways, for soprano and orchestra, was premiered by soloist Ann Moss and the UC Berkeley Symphony Orchestra in October, 2015. An article about this work was subsequently published in The OM Composer’s Book 3. In 2016, with input from Ircam's Jean Bresson, Matthew programmed CNMAT's Tessellate library, an algorithmic composition toolset conceived and specified by CNMAT's Director, Edmund Campion. Tessellate is written in Lisp for use in the OpenMusic environment and was release by CNMAT in August, 2017. More information about Tessellate is here:

From Fall 2015 through Summer 2017, Matthew is a Lecturer at UCB where he teaches courses on computer music (Mus 158a, Mus 159) and music perception and cognition (Mus 108). In Spring 2017, he created the most recent version of Music 159, a broad-ranging computer music course that emphasizes investigations into computer-assisted compositional techniques.

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