CNMAT Flashback

A look back at some items in our archives.


Zen Widow

Sun, May 13, 2012, 4:00am
Sunday, May 13, 2012 - 04:00
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Book page

Icosahedron Internal Sensors

Internal sensor data arrives as input audio channels from the icosadehron.

# Current

Audio channel #1; multiply by factor 6.0 to get power utilization in amps.

Book page

Traditional Authors

[cnmat:node/6053|Giuseppe Arcimboldo]
[cnmat:node/6054|Giocomo Balla]
[cnmat:node/6055|Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis]
[cnmat:node/6056|Theo van Doesburg]
[cnmat:node/6057|Marcel Duchamp]
[cnmat:node/6058|Wassily Kandinsky]
[cnmat:node/6059|Frantisek Kupka]
[cnmat:node/6060|Paul Klee]
[cnmat:node/6061|Étienne-Jules Marey]
[cnmat:node/6062|Laszlo Moho

Book page

Acquiring a New Musical System

Acquiring a New Musical System
Psyche Loui
B.S. (Duke University) 2003

A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the
requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
in the

Graduate Division
of the
University of California, Berkeley

Book page

Interpolation of Hearing Aid Configuration

This technological proof-of-concept demonstrated a real hearing aid reprogrammable in realtime using 2d interpolation over presets. The hearing aid is the Starkey Labs behind-ear type, programmed through a HI-PRO interface.

Open Sound Control was used to link the user interface (implemented with MaxMSP) to the HI-PRO.

Book page

Known Problems

- Significant time requirement to program hearing aid prohibits full-rate interactive reprogramming. HI-PRO is ~ 2400 baud.

Book page

OSC Schema for Hearing Aid Parameters

# Main:

- /init
- /close
- /exit

# Instrument:

- /Instrument/0 : right side hearing aid
- /Instrument/1 : left side hearing aid

## Instrument Operations

- /Instrument/\*
- /activateMemory (int) : load and activate memory (1-4)
- /enableOutput (int)
- /reboot
- /readMemory
- /writeMemory
- /writeBlock
- /writeFirmware
- /readFirmware

Book page

Subject Consent Form

CPHS Protocol #2008-7-30: “The Design of Digital Hearing Aids that Provide Satisfy ing Music Listening Experience”

Expires 8/12/2009. Renewal period opens 8 weeks prior.

Office for the Protection of Human Subjects(OPHS)
2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 313
Berkeley, CA 94704-5940
PH: (510) 642-1674
FAX: (510) 643-6272

Book page

Subject Instructions

# Training Instructions

Here are 7 objects on the bottom side of each object is a picture of a shape. The shapes may be different types, sizes and colors. You need to arrange the shapes on this board such that the shapes you perceive as similar are close together and those that are different are far apart.

Book page

Subversion Repository

Research software code, original papers and other editable materials are kept in Subversion (SVN) repositories, organized by project. Membership in specific research groups is required for some repositories. The login information for SVN is synchronized to the username and password on the website.

The main repository of CNMAT Maxmsp objects and misc software:

Book page

Converting from CodeWarrior to XCode

Making an Xcode Project

This tutorial is assuming you're starting with a working .c file, probably moving an older project over to Xcode. It would be easiest to start with a CNMAT object that exists at the same level in the Hierarchy of your Working Copy of the CNMAT Repository as the new one, and copy it. But, I've also started with the example objects in the UB SDK. I'll cover that, since it requires a few more steps.

Book page

Required Development Tools

# All platforms:

- Gnu make 3.81 or greater. Note that XCode 3.0 installs good version of make. If you have an earlier version of make you will see an error along the lines of "../../../makefile.per-object:13: *** multiple target patterns.

Book page

Requested Modules and Feature Enhancements

This is a collection of modules and feature enhancements necessitated by requests from CNMAT website users.

In some cases there may be an existing module which satisfies the requirement, but we are not aware of it.

Book page

Nodeaccess Permissions Cache

This module will maintain a table with cached nodeaccess permissions for every user. The table should look like this:

nid (foreign key)
uid (foreign key)
updated (timestamp)
read (0 / 1)
edit (0 / 1)

index: nid, uid, read
index: nid, uid, edit
