CNMAT Flashback

A look back at some items in our archives.



Tue, February 14, 2012, 4:00am
Tuesday, February 14, 2012 - 04:00
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Book page

Level Calibration

Digital "SPL" reference:

The full-scale sinusoid is considered 120 dB SPL.
SPL meters are not weighted (e.g. A, C, etc). (@todo)
Music files are normalized to 72 dB SPL, and about 30 seconds long, and extracted from the "loudest part" of the music selection.

Book page

MaxMSP Setup


- Put the maxlib- folder into the MaxMSP path
e.g. Cycling '74 directory), or add it to the path (Options > File Preferences)
*Note that very long paths may be problematic in MaxMSP's buggy file opener.
An error, e.g. "can't open" in the Max status window means bad things
- Open main patch, exp/ui/comp_interface_16b.

DSP settings:

- 44.1 khz

Book page

Labyrint, for saxophone and orchestra

I started writing _Labirynt_ while I was on a Fulbright grant in Poland. The spelling is polish, although
the word is ancient. In retrospect though, it seems to be a very American piece. I also started with the
idea of not writing a concerto, but rather a piece for soloist and orchestra that was more cooperative.
But, oftentimes compositions go their own ways.

Book page

FACE project (French-American exchange)

A three-year project involving CNMAT/Music Dept./UC Berkeley and the Centre National de Création Musicale (CIRM), the Conservatoire National de Région de Nice (CNR), and the Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis (UNSA). The scope of the documentation will include text, photos and audio samples from participating student annd faculty composers.

Book page

Pin and Port I/O

Two methods are provided to interact with digital and analog I/O pins--at the individual pin level, and in pin-groups at the "port" level. The port mode is used for high-speed reporting of inputs. The pin/port message names are dependent on the hardware platform and correspond to the silk-screened names. The examples here use /ra and /rb consistent with the Sparkfun Bitwacker--for the CUI the equivalent would be /a, /b, /c, /d and /an.

The value of an analog input pin is reported as a floating-point number normalized to the range [0.0 - 1.0], inclusive.

Book page

Using Subversion

What is Subversion?

Subversion ("svn") is a version control system; it manages successive revisions of files, keeping track of the latest version of each file, which versions of other files are associated with particular versions of a file, etc. It can be used to:

Book page

$CNMAT_MAX_DIR Environment Variable

By default a MaxMSP XCode Project must live in cnmat/trunk/max/(dir1)/(dir2)/(dir3) so that the relative path "../../../makefile.per-object" points to the shared makefile. Typically this relative path "../../../" is also used in the XCode build settings to locate the relevant c74support directory and its header files.

Book page

Highspeed Mode

Highspeed mode is a compile-time option that increases the reporting rate to 1000hz, and uses a different encoding strategy for port and pin reports with a compact OSC bundle.

In this mode the port report is "/r" and contains all pin data in a single OSC blob. The format varies depending on the platform.

Book page

Multiplex Driver

**/ra/0/mux**: Get/set multiplexing output mode

The multiplex driver lets the user configure a digital output pin to control many types of multiplexing including multiplexing ICs, shift registers, slave-select, scanned element arrays, charlieplexing and counters. However note that this implementation is generally not fast enough for flicker-free LED lighting control.

Book page


Alain, C., Woods, D. L., & Knight, R. T. (1998). A distributed cortical network for auditory sensory memory in humans. Brain Research, 812, 23-37.
Aslin, R.N., Saffran, J.R., Newport, E.L. (1998). Computation of conditional probability statistics by 8-month-old infants. Psychological Science, 9(4), 321-324.

Book page

Max/MSP Object Programming

This book contains all of CNMAT's documentation on how to write, compile, and release Max/MSP externals on multiple platforms, using Subversion for version control of the source code.

Book page

How to Make a New External

How to make a new external


For documentation on the C coding part of writing externals, especially including the API that Cycling 74 provides for writing externals, the Max/MSP SDK comes with a large PDF file called WritingExternals.
