CNMAT Flashback

A look back at some items in our archives.

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Expanded Cinema, Youngblood, P. Dutton & Co., 1970,
Experimental Animation, Russett - Starr, Da Capo Press, 1976, ISBN 0-306-80314-2
The Sound of Painting, von Maur, Prestel, 1999, ISBN 3-7913-2082-3
Sons & Lumières, von Maur - Rousseau - Cooper - Levin - Lista - Kahn - Duplaix - Kihm - Szendy, Éditions du Centre Pompidou, 2004, ISBN 2-84426-244-9

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+ Friday: Guest Speakers
- Catch-up on all that we missed the previous 4 days, and Questions and Answeres
- Guest: Edmund Campion (CNMAT)
- Guest: Sue C (Oaktown)
- [Sue's Video Delay patch is attached below]
- Guest: Bob Ostertag (UC Davis)

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Thursday Lecture: Control and Interface

# Ideas
Max is often used is inter-device and inter-media "plumbing." In other words, some sensor, controller, or input device is connected to a computer, running Max, which then outputs some audio, video, motor control messages to realize the artists wishes.

# Topics
- Keyboard and Mouse as controllers
- External devices (joystick, tablet...?)
- Open Sound Control
- Building a User Inter

Book page

Tuesday Lecture: Managing Lists

# Ideas
A common and powerful method of control is grouping messages together into lists, and storing lists in collections to be played back, like a musical score. Methods of creating an playing scores will be discussed.
Also, as projects get more complex, it becomes useful to organize one's patches. Two useful tools are: Sub-patchers and Abstractions.

# Topics
- lists in message boxes: variables
- lists with pack and unpack
- collections
- encapsulating
- abstractions: variables

Book page

Monday Lecture: Anatomy of a Message

# Ideas
Max is a graphical programming where messages are passed between objects using patch cords. Today's lecture begins with the mode of interacting with the Max environment (locked/unlocked, patching/presentation). It moves on types (ints, floats, symbols, lists, audio, matrix) of messages, and how they can be formed and transmitted. Basic debugging techniques are addressed.

- navigating the patcher window
- messages and objects
- getting help
- data types
- file paths and the file browser

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Tuesday Lab: Sequencer / Dynamic Slide Show

# Your assignment

Play with the additive synthesizer instrument we have provided (named simple-additive~) to get a feel for additive synthesis.

Play with the slide show patch we have provided, named "simple-slideshow."

simple-sequencer demonstrates the concepts of playing a score, or a timed list of cues. Currently it "plays" each note by printing a list in the Max window.

Book page

Monday Lab: Polyphonic Metronome

# What we have provided
- "percussion-buffers", a small patch which reads nine percussion sound files into nine buffers.
- "simple-sampler~", a straightforward sample-playback synthesis patch based on play~. There is also a help patch that shows how to use simple-sampler~.
- "simple-draw.maxhelp" draws triangles, squares, and circles into an LCD object.

# Your assignment

Using the audio and visual patches provided, build a four voice poly-rhythmic metronome.

Hint: Use the metro object.

Book page

Before the course begins

#When, where, who
- The workshop runs July 14-18, 11 AM-4 PM (Lecture 11-12, lunch break 12-1, lab session with instructor support 1-4)
- CNMAT is located at 1750 Arch Street, Berkeley, CA
- Instructors: [cnmat:node/509|Michael Zbyszynski] and other experienced Max/MSP/Jitter teachers

The workshop will be held in the Main Room at CNMAT.
