

M.A./Ph.D. composition student, Andrew Harlan, will have his newest work, HYPHA, performed by the New York Ensemble, loadbang, on March 7th at 7:30 pm at the National Opera Center in Brooklyn, NY. The work was commissioned after Harlan won first prize in the ensemble’s 2017 commission competition. The concert will also feature a world premiere by Chaya Czernowin, a NY premiere by Andrew List, and works by John Cage and Helmut Oehring.


CNMAT Demos at the Annual Berkeley AR/VR Retreat

CNMAT presented virtual reality and augmented reality demonstrations at the Annual Berkeley AR/VR Retreat on November 30, 2018, at the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, California.

The CNMAT team included:  Jeremy Wagner, Researcher, and Composer; Andrew Blanton, Visiting Researcher; Edmund Campion, Director, CNMAT; and Giovanni Santini, Composer, and Researcher.

Image:  Professor Eric Paulos, EECS, trying out the CNMAT 24-channel spatial audio demonstration. 


Orchestrating with Machines (Spring 2019 Music 202 Seminar)

Assisted orchestration can be thought as the process of searching for the best combinations of orchestral sounds to match a target sound under specified metric and constraints. Although a solution to this problem has been a long-standing request from many composers, it remains relatively unexplored because of its high complexity, requiring knowledge and understanding of both mathematical formalization and musical writing.



CNMAT Users 2018-19

CNMAT is happy to welcome our Graduate Composers, Graduate Student Researchers, Visiting Guest Researchers, and Artists for the 2018-19 Academic Year.  


Interpretations 30th Season at Roulette in NYC

Rather than look back on our 30 years in retrospect, I decided the best way to celebrate the series would be to continue doing what we have been doing: presenting a stylistically varied season comprising composers, interpreters, and improvisers, both emerging and established, local and international, each of whom has a unique approach to music making. Thomas Buckner, Producer & Director



Long Distance Duet

It was a long-distance duet — a violist on Faculty Glade and a carillonist (UC Berkeley Carillonist, Jeff Davis) in the towering Campanile. They couldn’t see or communicate with each other, but their Thursday noontime concert, part of a music department course called Music Now, was a successful exercise in performing across a large space.


Fall 2018 - Spring 2019 events at CNMAT

Here's a preview of upcoming events at CNMAT for Fall 2018 and Spring 2019:

Concert , September 2018
Carl Stone + Soo Yoen Lyuh - Haegeum
Sponsored by composers, Clara Olivares and Curtis Rumrill
