
CNMAT Website Passwords

For security reasons, all CNMAT username passwords have been reset. To set a new password for your CNMAT username, follow the link on the lefthand side titled “Request a new password”. You will be prompted to type your email address and fill in a Captcha code. Hit the link in your email, and you can reset your password.


Announcing the CNMAT Summer 2010 Workshops: Max/MSP/Jitter

CNMAT presents a series of summer workshops for students, artists, musicians and anyone interested in learning new software. This year we have completely redesigned our popular beginners and advanced courses to be more immersive. We will also be offering our week-long Jitter course, plus a redesigned workshop for developers wishing to learn how to code Max/MSP externals in C.


CNMAT celebrates 20 years!

On July 1, 2009 CNMAT observed its 20th anniversary. We'll be announcing special events to commemorate the occasion, reflect on our history, and invite our local, national and international communities to be part of CNMAT's next twenty years.


CNMAT featured on

An article about CNMAT has been posted on's feature section: Made On A Mac - Artists that Depend on the Power of the Mac.

Who: Adrian Freed, Research Director
What: Center for New Music and Audio Technologies, UC Berkeley
Why: To research and develop tech tools musicians and artists can use to enhance live performances
