
Jeremy Hunt joins CNMAT as Acting Associate Director

In August of 2021 Jeremy Hunt joined CNMAT as Acting Associate Director after the retirement of Richard Andrews. He brings with him 13 years of experience in education administration and is excited to bring this experience to bear in helping to navigate the complex administrative infrastructure in place at CNMAT and UC Berkeley. 


CNMAT Begins! Fall 2021

CNMAT has opened its doors again after a long COVID induced hiatus. Everyone in our fall 2021 community is excited to be back on site and engaged in research, teaching, and learning. We look forward to building our momentum again in this upcoming year. Stay tuned for what's to come!


Matt Schumaker, Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz

Matt Schumaker (UCB Ph.D. 2015) joins the Arts Division of UC Santa Cruz as Assistant

Professor in Music, continuing his artistic research and teaching in the areas of computer

music and music technology.


Schumaker composes concept-driven music arising from computer-assisted composition

and interactive computer music research, a practice that often joins musicians with

bespoke computer technologies in live performance. His work emerges from a parametric


Bodies with Antibodies

Enabled by the pandemic, social VR has taken a giant leap forward. Traditionally, artists have been some of the early adopters of new technologies and this medium is no exception. To celebrate the light at the end of the tunnel, HYPHEN-HUB is showcasing four creators working on social VR platforms. These pioneering artists will discuss the elements that led them through their creative process and how this platform enabled them to push their artistic boundaries and explore new models of creativity.



Dresher/Davel Duo at CNMAT

CNMAT welcomed Paul Dresher and Joel Davel Invented Instrument Duo to CNMAT on May 25, 2021 for a concert and lecture on the lawn at 1750 Arch Street.  We look forward to the video documentation being posted on the CNMAT Youtube channel soon.




Hello odot 1.3 with tutorials

We are pleased to announce the release of odot version 1.3, which can now be downloaded directly through the Max Package Manager.

In addition to numerous enhancements, improvements, and bug fixes, this release contains a 12-part tutorial that covers many of the most important aspects of odot programming. This tutorial, based on years of experience using odot in practice and pedagogy, is a great entry point for new users, as well as an invaluable reference for paradigmatic solutions to common problems in media/arts programming.

