A look back at some items in our archives.
BNMP 2011-12 Concerts:
Dec. 12 (deadline - Oct. 17)
Van Hassel, Dan (Campion)
String Quartet + electric guitar
Silsupan, Thatchatham (Ueno)
alto sax, bass clarinet, percussion, cello + electronics
Wang, Jen (Campion)
contralto (I'm working with contralto Karen Clark -- www.karenrclark.com), string quartet, percussion quartet
pages related to ECO Ensemble policies, practices, governance etc..
Since raw video is very large, all raw video should be put on one of the three 2TB hitachi externals. These drives are labeled. Please make a folder with your name on it so that it is clear who the data belongs to.
Basic review of Audiosculpt
Preferences --- set new home folder and sound folder for audiosculpt outside of application folder
FFT analysis window size
larger the window size the better the frequency analysis and the poorer the temporal resolution
FFT analysis, window size, hop size
added "markers" to a sound file "generate markers"
Marker Analysis Parameters
Guides to Music Software at CNMAT
- [cnmat:library/max_msp_jitter_depot|The CNMAT Max/MSP/Jitter Depot]
- [cnmat:downloads|The CNMAT Max Downloads Page]
Keeril Makan
Ezequiel Vinao
Jeff Stadelman
David Felder
Anytime file is changed, please rename with the convention: year/month/day e.g. 100824 for August 24, 2010. This list is maintained by Jay Cloidt.
Here is a list of things that a new staff person needs to get:
[[http://jmpelletier.com/cvjit/|Computer Vision Library]]
[[http://jmpelletier.com/freenect/|Kinect Video Max Object]]
[[http://webcam-osx.sourceforge.net/|Macam USB Webcam Support]]
[[http://peauproductions.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1_9|PS3 Eye with Lens Modification]]
This support page is current for AudioSculpt 2.9.4.
Information about IRCAM software can be found here:
After you've clicked on the Union Jack, click on software (on the left) to see a menu of all the things IRCAM distributes.
Support pages for IRCAM Open Music
Open Music web site: http://repmus.ircam.fr/openmusic/home
Installing IRCAM/Poletti/Modalys synthesis package for Max/MSP (version 1.1).
- copy the whole Mlys folder into a folder declared in Max's search path
- from the Mlys folder, copy the /externals/Modalys.frameworks folder into the HardDisk/Library/Frameworks folder
- copy the Mlys clippings folder into the MaxMSP/patches/clippings folder
Software Recipes, How-To, and Misc. Support
After people work through the [cnmat:node/2714|CNMAT Spectral Tutorials], they tend to ask "how do I make my own models?" Right now, the state-of-the-art is fairly primitive. Expect a lot of trial and error, and maybe unsatisfactory results.
#1. Choose your sound
This is the most important step in getting a good result. Some sounds analyze better than others.
Support and informaiton for IRCAM softwares
To get sound out directly from computer through Tascam mixer to HD speakers
• make sure TASCAM basic set up is loaded and HD speakers are powered on.
• load _MOTU PCI-424 Proper Configuration (TenneyExternal/*shared)
• select digi002ADAT 1-8 on Tascam Layer Status
• touch slider 9 and make sure that HD-1s selected as output (upper left-hand side of mixer -- look for sign HD-1s)
These page provide some basic skills and knowledge for working in the rear studio.
Power On Procedure:
Power on switches:
At the top of the rack, on the right side of the desk, you'll see the Furman PL-Plus. It has a bunch of colored LED's. This should always be on, and you should never need to touch it.
The next space down hold a rack of switches. These are labeled:
You can pass around this link to potential applicants:
all of the dropped files can then be found here (only to logged in users):