CNMAT Flashback

A look back at some items in our archives.

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Installing IRCAM MLYS-Modalys in Max

Installing IRCAM/Poletti/Modalys synthesis package for Max/MSP (version 1.1).

- copy the whole Mlys folder into a folder declared in Max's search path
- from the Mlys folder, copy the /externals/Modalys.frameworks folder into the HardDisk/Library/Frameworks folder
- copy the Mlys clippings folder into the MaxMSP/patches/clippings folder

Book page

Making Resonant and Sinusoidal Models

After people work through the [cnmat:node/2714|CNMAT Spectral Tutorials], they tend to ask "how do I make my own models?" Right now, the state-of-the-art is fairly primitive. Expect a lot of trial and error, and maybe unsatisfactory results.

#1. Choose your sound

This is the most important step in getting a good result. Some sounds analyze better than others.

Book page

How to get sound out from computer

To get sound out directly from computer through Tascam mixer to HD speakers

• make sure TASCAM basic set up is loaded and HD speakers are powered on.
• load _MOTU PCI-424 Proper Configuration (TenneyExternal/*shared)
• select digi002ADAT 1-8 on Tascam Layer Status
• touch slider 9 and make sure that HD-1s selected as output (upper left-hand side of mixer -- look for sign HD-1s)

Book page

Power on and off

Power On Procedure:

Power on switches:

At the top of the rack, on the right side of the desk, you'll see the Furman PL-Plus. It has a bunch of colored LED's. This should always be on, and you should never need to touch it.

The next space down hold a rack of switches. These are labeled:

  1. Mixer
  2. Rack
  3. HD1's
  4. Genelecs
  5. Fostex
  6. empty
Book page

Applications (fully functional patches or packages)

MMJ Depot Application: A generally useful patch with a complete enough GUI that it can be used without doing any Max programming. An Application is a turnkey solution to some problem, not a reusable software component. Applications are suggested when a composer or researcher desires to share an activity that has become habitual to the point where a fixed environment can exist.

Book page

Tutorials (large-scale topics for teaching and learning)

MMJ Depot Tutorials: The tutorials explain specific topics in depth; they cover programming details as necessary but tend to focus on core theoretical and conceptual issues in computer music, synthesis, signal processing, etc. Tutorials are designed primarily for learning purposes, but are also available to be plundered.

Download the MMJ Depot along with the CNMAT Everything package, found here.

Book page

Tutors (single topics covered in-depth)

A Max/MSP/Jitter (MMJ) patch and reference document that serves as a single collection point for the expanding communal wisdom on a particular MMJ object or programming topic. For an advanced user it is a mnemonic aid and for entry level users it is learning space.

Download the MMJ Depot along with the CNMAT Everything package, found here.

Book page

Demos (ready to play demonstration patches)

A patch that shows one (impressive) idea, not necessarily with enough flexibility or generality to be useful for extended work (Desired reaction: “Wow!”) Formatted for projection.

Download the MMJ Depot along with the CNMAT Everything package, found here.

Book page

Repertoire (complete pieces)

A specific kind of Application that is "branded" by a composer. Repertoire is intended for performance (concert, installation, internet, CD) and involves a special intent (to form one musical world or specific piece).

Book page


Using either the oscuinoSerial or oscuinoEthernet sketches running on your Arduino, connect using the corresponding Max/MSP patch.

Book page

Add a new node to the site (audio, video etc..)

Visit the bottom of this page for manuals specific to certain content types including: Audio, Image ,Music and Inter-Art Projects, Publications, Video, Weblink

# Decide where to put it

- To add a new page to the hierarchichal structure of an existing book, go to the node that you want to be "above" your new page and click on "add child page".
