CNMAT Flashback

A look back at some items in our archives.


OpenMusic Workshop

Fri, September 13, 2013, 9:00pm
Friday, September 13, 2013 - 21:00
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OSCMessage is the basic class which implements all of the OSC 1.0 specification which includes the data types 32-bit integer, 32-bit float, string, and blobs (byte array), as well as pattern matching and two-way communication over a transport layer.

#Making an OSCMessage

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OSCMessage API

OSCMessage( char * address );
The constructor must have the address of the message as an argument.

void empty();
empty frees all of the data contained in the message, but retains the address.

#Adding Data
OSCMessage& add ( int data );
OSCMessage& add ( double data );
OSCMessage& add ( float data );

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An OSCBundle is a group of OSCMessages. OSCBundle is an implementation of OSC Bundles with support for the four basic data types and 64-bit timetags. OSCBundles are the preferred method for sending OSCMessages because the OSCBundle manages the memory of the OSCMessages, timetag support, and integrity of all the OSCMessages contained in the OSCBundle.

#Creating an OSCBundle.

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#Creating a Bundle
OSCBundle(uint64_t timetag = 1);
The constructor accepts a timetag which defaults to 1 (immediate).

void empty()
Empties all of the messages in the OSCBundle.

#Adding Messages
OSCMessage& add(char * address);

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micro-OSC was a project of the research group at the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies, UC Berkeley.

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2013 Summer Workshop Syllabus

<table border="1">




<td>10am - 12pm</td>
<td>Intro to Max environment; Debugging, probing; What is hidden state? Q&A</td>
<td>Jeff Lubow</td>

<td>12pm - 1pm</td>
<td>Lunch Break; Lunch provided</td>


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Patches from the week

This serves as a repository of the patches we've gone over throughout the week.


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Software authorizations database

Anytime file is changed, please rename with the convention: year/month/day e.g. 100824 for August 24, 2010. The main document list is maintained by the Music Department Sound Technician.

The Max authorizations database is currently maintained by Jeff Lubow.

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Laptop video & audio in Main Room

# Instructions (updated 4/23/2014)

CNMAT MAIN ROOM: Audio patching using dedicated laptop and Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56 interface

A permanent laptop computer is wired to the Safire audio interface. A ReadMe file (launches on startup of the computer) explains how to use it to load presets for easy analog access to the 8-channel system without using an additional computer:

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Eco Ensemble protocol for programming pieces with technology.

Eco Ensemble protocol for programming pieces with technology.

No piece involving electronics can be programmed without first seeing the full score, mapping the full technology picture and estimated costs. The technical materials (Max patch etc.) must be fully testing all the electronic materials.


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Rear Studio Hard Drive Backup Summary

#CNMAT Rear Studio hard drive and backups summary (updated 5/6/14)

Drives on the Rear Studio Mac now:
• Internal Mac HD: 500GB
• Tenney External: new Glyph RAID 2TB
• New Pedagogy Archive: new Glyph RAID 2TB
• GMAX External: OWC RAID 1TB
• Sample Libraries: new Glyph RAID 2TB
• Time Machine: OWC 1TB
• (plus drive dock for floating project drives)

Time Machine backup:
