A look back at some items in our archives.
# Overview
- This content type allows you to upload and share your audio files with other users to the website.
- Please do not post any content unless you have distributional rights.
# Overview
- Multiple images can be posted and tagged to the related events and categorized with relevant terms.
# Image
- The image field is the picture which appears at the top of the page and as a thumbnail in "teaser view".
# Additional Images
- This is where more images can be added.
- Each image has and optional text field.
# Categorization Tags
# Publication type:
- First choose the "Publication Type" at the top of the page. This is not a comprehensive list. There are more options later in the form, select the type that is the closest to what you are posting.
- Musical scores should be categorized as "Artwork", and later tagged as "Score" in the section "Publication Type Tags" under "Taxonomy Tags".
# Overview
- The video node type allows a content creator to upload videos to the CNMAT website and to tag the video example with the CNMAT taxonomy. Properly tagged nodes are referenced from elsewhere in the site.
More ways to add, edit, and publish content.
Your personal preferred input format can be changed on a per-node type basis.
Simply go to My Account -> Edit and scroll down to "Preferred input format for...", configure and save.
On the left side of any screen is a sidebar containing your name.
Under your name is a link "My account" - click this to take you to your "home page".
At the top of the page for your account you should see tabs for "view", "edit", and "track" -
Click "track".
Now you should be seeing a list of what you've added to the site, in reverse chronological order.
1. Export your file, (in this example, "MyDoc.doc"), into "Filtered HTML" format via the File > Save As... menu option. *Note:* this option is only available on Microsoft Office 2000 and later for the Windows platform. The standard HTML format will *not* work as it contains too much non-standard markup to process.
**Use Case**
You have content in a page (e.g. book, blog, story, etc) and want to add some images to go with the text. Typically, screenshots, photos, etc.
Characters which are not part of the normal printable [w:ASCII] character set, unicode characters, and some normal symbolic characters that have specific use in text markup require the use of an escape-code sequence to be entered as text into a text area or other input field on the website.
Common use cases include:
- Documentation describing how to write markup code
# What it does
The case tracker deals with any sort of request for someone to "do something". That includes fixing bugs, improving software, finding things, researching things, buying things, etc.
The functions of the case tracker include assigning the task to the user, and reassigning it to other users, and setting the task "state".
# How to add a case
**Getting Started:**
- Read the style guide and learn how to use the input formats.
- Review the handbook to make sure the subject is not already covered.
- Check the support cases for background on the subject you are writing about.
- Name the page according to the action which is to be completed
- Do not use the words "How to" in the title.
**Writing Style and Content:**
The Suggest A Term feature aims to create a more useful tagging vocabulary and better-classified nodes by allowing users to submit whatever terms they believe best match the nodes that they create.
#How it works
Users can now suggest terms that they feel should be added to the CNMAT website vocabulary. It is up to the website administrators to decide which of these terms should be added to the permanent vocabulary set. This feature will hopefully make the website taxonomy more useful and relevant for the website users.
# Overview
The weblink node type allows users to share and categorize content from the internet on CNMAT's website. For example, a student could share a new audio visualization tool that he found, or a professor could link to an article that she was mentioned in.
# Why tag?
##The easy way
Coming around the right side of the desk, there is a bundle of cables for laptop connectivity. One of these is an 1/8" plug that can be plugged directly into the audio output of your laptop. It routes to channels 1 and 2 of [cnmat:node/3233|the mixer].
## The better way
The Motu 828 is a firewire audio interface, and its firewire cable is routed to the laptop cable cluster. Its primary purpose is to provide 8-channel output from a user's laptop into the studio sound system.
#General information
The MOTU 2408 Interface in the rack is connected to the PCI-424 card in the computer. All communication to and from the 2408 is through the PCI-424 driver, so these are somewhat synonymous when referred to by audio applications.
Video Tutorials:
[inline-center:Resetting DM-3200 Mixer To Its Basic Setting.mov=Resetting Mixer to Basic Project]
[inline-center:Getting Computer Audio To Mixer.mov=Getting Sound out of Audio Applications]
##Here are a few things to check if you can't get sound
- **Is everything on?** Although this seems obvious, it is very common. Always, this is the first thing that I check.