CNMAT Flashback

A look back at some items in our archives.

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Suggest a Term

The Suggest A Term feature aims to create a more useful tagging vocabulary and better-classified nodes by allowing users to submit whatever terms they believe best match the nodes that they create.

#How it works

Book page

Moderating the Suggested Terms Vocabulary Set

Users can now suggest terms that they feel should be added to the CNMAT website vocabulary. It is up to the website administrators to decide which of these terms should be added to the permanent vocabulary set. This feature will hopefully make the website taxonomy more useful and relevant for the website users.

Book page


# Overview
The weblink node type allows users to share and categorize content from the internet on CNMAT's website. For example, a student could share a new audio visualization tool that he found, or a professor could link to an article that she was mentioned in.

Book page

Connecting a Laptop

##The easy way
Coming around the right side of the desk, there is a bundle of cables for laptop connectivity. One of these is an 1/8" plug that can be plugged directly into the audio output of your laptop. It routes to channels 1 and 2 of [cnmat:node/3233|the mixer].
## The better way

Book page

MOTU 828mk2 Interface

The Motu 828 is a firewire audio interface, and its firewire cable is routed to the laptop cable cluster. Its primary purpose is to provide 8-channel output from a user's laptop into the studio sound system.


Book page

MOTU 2408/PCI-424 Interface

#General information
The MOTU 2408 Interface in the rack is connected to the PCI-424 card in the computer. All communication to and from the 2408 is through the PCI-424 driver, so these are somewhat synonymous when referred to by audio applications.

Book page

Why can't I get sound?

Video Tutorials:
[inline-center:Resetting DM-3200 Mixer To Its Basic Mixer to Basic Project]
[inline-center:Getting Computer Audio To Sound out of Audio Applications]

##Here are a few things to check if you can't get sound

- **Is everything on?** Although this seems obvious, it is very common. Always, this is the first thing that I check.

Book page

Open Sound Control Interface

Network Route:

From CNMAT network or AirBears:

Host: (
Port: 4000

From an Ethernet cable patched into switch (on MacPro desk)

Port: 4000


OSC Schema:

- /system
- /icos
- /gain (db, default 0., min -120., max 12.)
- /dodec
- /gain (db, default 0., min -120., max 12.)

Book page

Icosahedron Known Issues

- Random noise / glitches in audio stream
- Did you forget to connect word-sync clock?
- Failure of single face or side
- Check all channels before operating speaker system
- Network configuration goes crazy--multiple builtin-ethernets, etc
- Delete /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/NetworkInterfaces.plist and restart
- Kernel panic after Software Update

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Create a Blog Node


- The blog node is a very flexible node type that is useful for quick communication in a particular group or any website user.

#Possible uses of the blog type

- Broadcast messages intended for particular groups or the general public.

- Post videos.

Book page

Wednesday, July 20

#Morning Session (10am-12)

- review of previous day and assignments
- data storage and recall - i/f/zl/coll
- more on data visualization
- new gui objects
- models of working
- patching session


#Lab (1-2:30)

- patching session

#BREAK (2:30-3)

#Afternoon Session: Gesture Input and Actuators (3-5)

Book page

Tuesday, July 19

#Morning Session (10am-12)

- review of previous assignment
- debugging part 2- gated print, visualization, etc
- presentation mode / usage of colors (alpha) / other interface details
- encapsulation, abstractions, etc


#Lab (1-2:30) - processing data, brightness, polyphony, reuse

Book page

Gesture Inputs and Actuators

[[| OSCulator]]
[[node/5240|Wacom Tablet]]
[[node/5198|Wii Remote]]

[[node/5235|PlayStation Remote]]
[[node/10720|Casio DP-1]]
[[node/5710|GameTrak Controller]]

#Keyboard/Mouse Input
[[node/10718|Keyboard Number Pad]]

[[node/10724|iOS Serial Cable]]

#Gesture Interfaces

Book page

Thursday, July 21

#Morning Session (10am-12)
- Intro to MSP


#Lab (1-2:30)

#BREAK (2:30-3)

#Afternoon Session (3-5)
- Jitter/Image Tracking

#DINNER (5-6)

#Advanced Class (6-8:30)
- Advanced MSP
+ Analysis/resynthesis
+ Envelopes and granular synthesis
+ poly~ (introduction)
+ The spectrum as a probability distribution

Book page

Monday, July 18

#Morning Session (10am-12)

- what is [|Max]?
+ patch cords, objects
+ help / getting help
+ patch locking/unlocking
+ printing
+ displaying values
+ tutorials
+ gate (control flow)
+ ints vs. floats, lists, symbols
+ message box
+ comment box
+ basic gui objects (flonum/numbox/toggle/bang)
