CNMAT Flashback

A look back at some items in our archives.

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CNMAT Users Group Representativs

CUG General Contact RAVI
CUG Technical Contact RAMA
CUG Event Coordinator AMADEUS
CUG Main Room Manager ILYA
CUG Rear Studio Manager LILY
CUG Media Lab Manager RAFAEL
CUG Semi-Anechoic Chamber Manager RAFAEL

Book page

Max/MSP/Jitter Depot

CNMAT's expanding collection of Max/MSP/Jitter patches designed for composers, programmers, performers and music educators. The MMJ-Depot includes basic programming tips, modular programming units for copy and paste, interactive tutorials on all aspects of computer music, and functioning musical works with commentary and criticism.

Book page

Using AddAn

Find this as part of IRCAM's Diphone suite. I used this to make the saxophone and shakuhachi SDIF's for the Spectral Tutorials.

- You need to have the SDIF framework installed in order to load AddAn.
- Version 4.2J of Diphone is compatible with Mountain Lion 10.8.5
- File format: .aif files need to be physically exported to .aiff.

You can find it here:

Book page

Main Room Handbook

This is the home page for documentation of CNMAT's Main Room. This room contains the following components, some of which have documentation:

Book page


General how-to quicklist for Rear Studio recording (Peak, Pro Tools, DP, Logic)
(last updated: 11/11/11)

NOTE: Also see the Rear Studio video tutorials for instructions on common rear studio tasks
NOTE: General info regarding Rear Studio (How to Get Sound Out of Computer, Power On & Off, Recording from the Main Room) is also available under Rear Studio Basics in the manual

Book page


Here are a few basic tutorials to get you going with basic tasks in the Rear Studio:

[inline-center:Resetting DM3200Mixer To Mixer to Basic Project]
[inline-center:Getting Computer Audio To Sound out of Audio Applications]
[inline-center:Working with Pro Tools Sound out of Pro Tools]


Amadeus Regucera

The work of Amadeus Julian Regucera (b.1984) engages with the embodied and acoustical energy of sound and the erotics of its production.


Myra Melford

For pianist, composer and Guggenheim fellow Myra Melford, the personal and the poetic have always been intimately and deeply connected. Raised outside Chicago in a house designed by the renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright, Melford grew up literally surrounded by art.


Maija Hynninen

Maija Hynninen (b. 1977) – composer and sound artist – incorporates in her work the human voice, live electronics and multidisciplinary performances. She entered the Sibelius Academy in 2003 (M.Mus. 2011) to study with Paavo Heininen while also working for a violin diploma at the Norwegian Academy of Music.


Richard Andrews

After serving as CNMAT's Adminstrator and Associate Director from 1996 through 2021, Richard Andrews retired in July, 2021.

As CNMAT's Associate Director, Richard was responsible for a number of programmatic, operational, administrative and financial activities, including strategic planning, fundraising, project management, human resources, financial management, contracts and grants, facilities management and marketing.


John MacCallum

John MacCallum is a composer and researcher currently based in France.  From 2008–2011 he held a position as Musical Systems Designer at the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT).


David Coll

David Coll (b.1980) is a composer of concert music, installation art, and interdisciplinary projects that engage physical presence with technology to create dramatic and introspective works, often to playful effect.


Lily Chen

Lily Chen, born in Hualien, Taiwan, is a composer exploring timbral potentials of both acoustic and electronic music. In her recent works, she creates counterpoint of timbre by synthesizing sound gestures with subtlety, shaping imaginative and poetic atmosphere in her music.


Rama Gottfried

Composer and sound artist Rama Gottfried (b. 1977) is recent PhD graduate from the University of California, Berkeley where he studied with Franck Bedrossian, Edmund Campion, Adrian Freed and David Wessel. Previously, he completed composition studies at the Universität der Künste Berlin, the Manhattan School of Music, New York University, and the University of Vermont.


Adrian Freed

Adrian Freed was Research Director of UC Berkeley's Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT) until his retirement in 2016. 


Jeremy Wagner

Jeremy Wagner is a composer, performer and sound designer based in the Bay Area.  Since 2016 he has served as Research Composer and technical coordinator for CNMAT's research & production infrastructure, providing sound & video engineering support for CNMAT concerts & events while mentoring graduate composers in a wide range of production technologies.


Scott Rubin

Scott Rubin (b.1989) is a composer and improvising violist whose work interrogates relationships between sound and movement through analog and digital means. His recent projects have involved collaborations with musicians and dancers, often making use of interactive acoustic/electronic improvisation and motion-sensitive live electronics.
